NUR2007 Pathophysiology & Pharmacology 2
Written Task: Alteration to female reproductive system:
Due Date: Tuesday 10th August by 14:00hrs
Length 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Contribution to grade: 40%
Your patient today will be:
24-year-old Lou-Anne Jones who has just been diagnosed with Endometriosis. Today
Lou-Anne isteary, and she looks uncomfortable; her fiancée Thomasis with her.
In orderto care for Lou-Anne, itisimportant you know aboutthis alteration to the female
reproduction system …
Please note, you need to complete ALL 4 tasks below
TASK 1 (Approx 300- 350 words) |
12.5% | PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Briefly describe the pathophysiology of this condition.* Identify two (2) signs or symptoms that this patient may experience and link back to the pathophysiology (i.e., why is she experiencing the symptom). Provide evidence to support yourreasoning. *Whilstthismay require some specific language, itis expected that the reader will be able to determine your understanding ofthe process, and thatitis notrecalled directfrom a book [so paraphrase please]* |
TASK 2 (Approx 400 words) |
15% | MEDICATION • Identify two (2) medications that this patient may require. You will need to explain the pharmacodynamics of each of the medications and your rationale for why it would be required. • Identify any potential or adverse effects of these medications which you may need to explain to the patient? |
TASK 3 (Approx 300- 350 words) |
12.5% | NURSING CARE As a RN allocated to care for Lou-Anne, you have been advised she is also Anaemic. • What is the link of anaemia to Endometriosis? • What nursing care/interventions would you implement in this situation and why? |
TASK 4 (Approx 900- 1000 words) |
40% | CRITICAL THINKING • Discussthe relationship between endometriosis and infertility* • Anxiety is often linked to this condition. o What might this be related to (separate to the above discussion of infertility)? o How might you identify your patient’s anxiety? o Identify a nursing intervention/s you could implement to reduce Lou-Anne’s anxiety and provide evidence-based rationale to support this. • Identify two (2) other health professionals (other than a RN) that would be involved in this patient’s care or the patient may be referred to. Please provide a rationale with your answer. *Whilstthismay require specific language, itis expected thatthe reader will be able to determine you understand the process,thatitis notrecalled directfroma book |
This written academic assignment reflects the following learning outcomesfor NURS2007:
• Critically articulate rationales for the planning, implementation and evaluation of assessment data and
care across the lifespan for people with a variety of illnesses using evidenced based principles
• Apply knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology in order to provide comprehensive
evidenced based nursing care
• Apply evidenced based principles of pharmacology to nursing practice including recognising and
describing the indications and contraindications for appropriate medication management
• Analyse the rationale of medication choice in the treatment of pathological conditions and articulate why
multiple drugs may be used to treat one condition including potential adverse drug reactions (ADRs)
• Apply the principles of integrated people-centred care and describe the factors that influence its
implementation when working with people’s understanding and use of various therapies in relation to
their plan of care … this includes developing teaching principles associated with patient education and
health promotion.
(Approx 900-
1000 words)
• Discussthe relationship between endometriosis and infertility*
• Anxiety is often linked to this condition.
o What might this be related to (separate to the above
discussion of infertility)?
o How might you identify your patient’s anxiety?
o Identify a nursing intervention/s you could implement to
reduce Lou-Anne’s anxiety and provide evidence-based
rationale to support this.
• Identify two (2) other health professionals (other than a RN) that would be
involved in this patient’s care or the patient may be referred to. Please
provide a rationale with your answer.
*Whilstthismay require specific language, itis expected thatthe reader will be able to determine you
understand the process,thatitis notrecalled directfroma book*
You now feel you have a good knowledge of Endometriosis and walk in to greet Lou-Anne feeling
confident and competent to care for her.
Don’t leave your assignment to the last minute, start thinking about it and
working on it as soon as you can to allow time to tweak and refine it. Allow
yourself a couple of weeks to work on it (at the very least).
• Your assessment must be generated in Word format - i.e. .doc/.docx (not pdf).
• Appropriate line spacing at least 1.15 – 1.5. Basic font of arial, calibri or similar, size
11 or 12.
• Written in coherent Australian English that demonstrates progression towards the
standard for written communication for professional nursing practice in Australia.
• Does not require an introduction or conclusion – please just answer the tasks.
• Include a footer in your assignment with your student FAN details.
• Do not include the question/task information – you may, however, use headings
Task 1, Task 2, etc.
• Use of appropriate professional terminology is expected, do not use acronyms,
abbreviations or nursing jargon.
• Present your information in paragraphs using correct grammar.
• Stay within word count. Markers will not read/mark over the +10% of word count.
• Use your Checklist!
– APA 7th edition format is the expected referencing style for both in-text citations
and reference list
– Markers must be able to access ALL of your resources
– Aim for quality, reliable and reputable journals relevant to nursing practice and the
Australian healthcare industry, or reputable, reliable professional websites (NOT
consumer based websites).
– All referencing should be less than 8 years old
– You must have a minimum of 8 peer reviewed journal articles, in addition to other
references to support your statements.
– Be aware of your academic responsibility and professional nursing practice
requirements when using the work of others in assignments*.
*PLAGIARISM …. Don’t waste your time, or our time, by submitting work that is
copied, purchased, or plagiarised! Please note that breaches of academic integrity
will be lodged with the University and may have serious consequences.
RUBRIC : Use the rubric over the page to guide you with what is expected.
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