MMH232 – Human Resource Development – Learning Insights

Monday 27th September 8:00pm (Melbourne time)
3 x 500-word reflections (=1500 words)
(no +/- 10%)

The aim of this assessment is to contribute to your understanding, knowledge and awareness in
human resource development. You will consider your learning based on your class (lecture), readings
and seminar experiences. In doing this, you will build specialist human resource development
knowledge and skills, and also build skills in self-reflection.

Task Outline
This assessment is an individual assignment. For this assignment, you need to reflect in a structured
manner on your learning in this unit. There are three sets of questions (1, 2 and 3) that you will need
to reflect on and answer. Each reflection should be approximately
500 words, resulting in a total of
1500 words. Each reflection should be treated separately, start each reflection on a new page and
submit as ONE MS word document on or before the due date.

In answering the three questions, you need to integrate insights from the various classes (lectures),
readings and use examples from the seminar activities (where necessary) to illustrate your points.
You are expected to submit a well-presented academic piece of writing, with clear language and
correct grammar.
In instances where references are required (for example, when referring to key
concepts) it is expected that Deakin Harvard referencing style will be used and a reference list
provided at the end of the three reflections. Although, the reflection will most likely be personal
based writing.

More specifically, your task is to reflect on the following set of questions (1, 2 and 3):
1. How has this unit influenced your understanding of how you assess individual
learning? Then reflect on how your Unit Chair has integrated at least two categories
of assessment in MMH232 to assess your individual learning.
2. Thinking about the force field analysis model, what has the model taught you about
environmental forces? In your answer, use an example to demonstrate how the
model could be useful for organisations. Then consider how has the model
influenced the way you could approach change in the future?
3. ‘You cannot plan a career decades ahead. Some of the jobs and places that will
interest you then don’t exist now and some that interest you now will be gone then.
Throw out your 10-year career plan. Plan for the knowledge and skills you want to
learn next year’ (Adam Grant 2018 Tweet). Reflecting on this quote, to what extent
do you agree or disagree? Justify your arguments. Then following Grant’s advice,
reflect and justify the knowledge and skills you want to learn within the next two

Learning Outcome Details
This task allows you to demonstrate achievement towards the unit learning outcomes. The ULOs are
aligned with specific graduate learning outcomes – that is, the skills and knowledge graduates are
expected to have upon completion of their studies – and this assessment task is an important tool in
determining achievement of those outcomes. If you do not demonstrate achievement of the unit
learning outcomes, you will not be successful in this unit. It is good practice to familiarise yourself
with the ULOs and GLOs as they provide guidance on the knowledge, understanding and skills you
are expected to demonstrate upon completion of the unit. In this way they can be used to guide your

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