MKT 4801 Assessment 1: Market Analysis Report

Assignment Brief

Module Code 

MKT 4801

Module Title 

Global Marketing Management

Submission date, time


Feedback type & date

Feedback will be completed within 15 working days. Students will receive written feedback on their Turnitin submission on UniHub. Additional feedback can be available during office hours. 

Provisional marks are subject to the external examiners’ approval, and they reserve the right to amend marks if  it is deemed appropriate for an MBA level.  

The final results will be available in June via UniHub. Please note that academic staff members are not able to release  your final results.

Word Count 

2,000 words (+/- 10%)

Assignment brief 

1. Please ensure that the assignment you submit is your original work and that all quotations and sources of  information are acknowledged by appropriate in-text citations and in the Table of References at the end, including  company and/or Internet sources. 

2. You can use your own company as the “given organisation" for this assignment. If this is not possible, or not 


MKT4801 Global Marketing Management p.17 Autumn/September Start 2021-2022 


desirable, you can propose to use another company but it must be agreed with your tutor beforehand. 3. The report should focus on external and internal marketing environment. 

4. The report should be in three parts: analysis of the external marketing environment, analysis of the internal  marketing environment, and evaluation what impact it has had on the marketing mix. 

5. It is acceptable to focus on some elements of the marketing mix rather than all of the elements as long as it can be  justified (for instance, for some service-oriented companies it might be justifiable to focus upon product, price,  promotion, people, process and physical evidence but not upon place). If in doubt, seek guidance from your tutor. 

6. You are expected to use marketing-related theories, concepts, models and/or frameworks you have encountered in your studies up to this point. The report has an academic purpose as well and must reflect your learning. Please  remember to reference your sources (even for well-known and frequently-used models etc.). 

7. Use a formal report structure with table of contents, page and section numbers, labels and titles for diagrams and  tables, etc. 

8. Use appendices for supporting information that is not needed in the analysis (for example, lists/descriptions of  products/services, if provided at all).

Assignment type 

Individual Assessment  

You will prepare a market analysis report presenting the findings and interpretation of research into the marketing  environment of a given organisation and its impact on the marketing mix (Learning outcomes 01, 03, 06 and 07).  

Further details (including instructions for assessment submission) appertaining to this particular piece of coursework can be given to you as the module progresses.


Structure and 


The following structure should be used: 

Title page: This should include the title, your name and student ID number, and ‘MKT4801 Individual Report’  Executive Summary: A brief description of the contents of the managerial report (one paragraph) Main body of the managerial report: use appropriate numbered sub-headings 


Referencing: evidence of using ‘good sources’ is important and therefore, your sources must be correctly cited  and fully referenced in Harvard style.  

Font, Arial 12pt, double line spacing



The criteria outlined below are for guidance only and do not constitute a definitive marking scheme. The weighting is a  close approximation of the marking scheme for the assignment. 

Market Analysis Report (indicative weighting out of 100%) 

Submissions attracting the higher grades in the assignment will meet the following presentation criteria (10%): A clear cover page with all essential information (name and student number, module name and number,  assignment title, word count, and date) 

A well-structured, formal report using a logical alphanumeric/numeric system 

A table of contents with page numbers 

A brief introduction to the report outlining its purpose and scope, identifying the market/product opportunity  investigated (no need for Terms of Reference) 

Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation  

One seamless piece of writing, i.e. one editorial voice; logical development of analysis  

Use of appropriate and properly labelled charts, graphs and tables where applicable  

Proper in-text references where applicable (including references to databases, industry reports, company literature,  trade/industry journals and/or web sources used) and a Table of References at the end with full bibliographical  details in Harvard style 

Approximately within range (1,800 - 2,200 words) 

Submissions attracting the higher grades in the assignment will meet the following content criteria (90%): 

Introduction (5%) 

Structured introduction outlining and justifying the scope of the analysis 

Analysis of the external marketing environment (25%) 

Depth of analysis of the external marketing environment [type of market, competitive and economics conditions,  political/regulatory, social and technological factors], use of appropriate tools, techniques and/or frameworks of  analysis; evaluation of information and synthesis of results.


Analysis of the internal marketing environment (25%) 

Depth of analysis of the internal environment [product/service portfolio, marketing approach/culture of marketing,  marketing management, customer centricity, and degree of competence in the use of ICT/Internet in marketing],  use of appropriate tools, techniques and/or frameworks of analysis; evaluation of information and synthesis of  results. 

Impact on the marketing mix (25%) 

To Identify changes in the marketing environment and their impact on (selected) elements of the marketing mix;  identify improvements in current marketing management practice and/or opportunities for new product/service  development. 

Conclusions and recommendations (10%) 

Conclusions based on analysis and synthesis of the findings; making sense of complexity; recommendations  addressing the conclusions and supported by evidence in the report; assumptions recognised and stated (if any)



This assignment must be submitted online via Turnitin. No hard copy is required.

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