MGT2HRM Assessment 3 – Policy Design Tips

Tasks to do

  1. Consolidate your learning during the semester, 
  2. Choose an organisation in this real world, and  
  3. Develop an HRM policy on either one of these topics for the chosen organisation: 

o Recruitment and selection or 

o Performance management 

You are required to present this assignment in two parts

PART 1 – POLICY ANALYSIS (1000 words) 


PART 1 – Policy Analysis (1000 words) 

  1. Internal & External issues analysis 

Internal issues refer to 

  • Organisational objectives, business strategic choice, HR needs and HR strategies,  Organisation culture and its approaches (management values) to managing  employees,  
  • Ethical treatment of employees (i.e., organisational justice),  
  • Ethical business practices (e.g., in decision-making),  
  • Approaches to corporate social responsibility 

External issues refer to the contextual factors (external environment) that influence  policy.  

These contextual factors include:  

  • LAW (industrial relations, anti-discrimination, occupational safety and health, and  privacy) 
  • GOVERNMENT POLICY (employment, education and training, immigration &  citizenship, industrial relations)  
  • ECONOMIC CONDITIONS (economic conditions in good times and bad times) SOCIETAL VALUES & ISSUES (prevailing values and preferences shared by  stakeholders outside the organisation) 
  1. High priority issues 

Among the above-mentioned internal and external issues, identify a couples of essential  issues that need to be addressed in the policy being developed.

  1. Policy problem 

If you are to review and rewrite an existing HR policy, you need to point out problems  that you are going to amend and explain why the amendments are necessary. 

Include a copy of the ‘existing HR policy’ and append it as an appendix in PART 2.


A policy of your chosen topic will be prepared according to the proper techniques for  writing a policy. 

The following policy structure should be followed for writing the policy of your chosen  topic. 

<Name your policy topic here> 

  1. Overview 
  2. Scope 
  3. Policy Statement 
  4. Contextual Factors 
  5. Process and a 1-page diagram or flowchart of key mechanisms of the process 6. Other related policies 
  6. Accountabilities and Contacts 
  7. Evaluation Measures 


Appendices (when required) 

Information that you need to include in each of the sections of the policy  of your chosen policy topic:  

  1. Overview 

A brief description of the intent and rationale of the policy 

  1. Scope 

Who are covered in the policy? 

Identify to which parties in the organisation or to which particular situations the policy  applies or it applies generally across the organisation in any situation. 

  1. Policy Statement 

It is a concise and formal statement of the principal objectives of the policy and it provides a framework of mandatory principles (organisational culture, management  principles and adopted business ethics) to be incorporated in the policy and its  procedures.

  1. Contextual factors 

4.1 Laws and legal obligations that have direct or indirect consequences on the policy, e.g., EEO, OHS, Discriminatory laws, privacy, etc. 

4.2 Government policy that very much related to the policy 

4.3 Economic reasons that warrant the writing of this policy 

4.4 Societal values & issues that are very much related to this policy  5. Process and a 1-page diagram/flowchart of key mechanisms 

5.1. A framework of key mechanisms for implementing the HR process of the policy topic and achieving the policy’s objectives by involved parties. 

5.2. A 1-page diagram/flowchart outlining the flow of key mechanisms that must be  included in the procedures to be developed subsequently after the approval of the  policy. 

  1. Other related policies 

Other internal policies, issued by your chosen organisation, that influence on the writing  and subsequent execution of the policy.  

  1. Accountabilities and Contacts 

The hierarchical roles and authorities that involved in the development, approval,  implementation, and application of the policy, for example:  

  • Development & drafting - HRM manager,  
  • Approval - CEO in conjunction with board members,  
  • Implementation - Line managers or concerned line managers,  
  • End-users - Employees or concerned employees  

Name and contact details of the responsible person to whom interpretation of the policy  can be sought 

  1. Evaluation Measures 

Means to monitor and measure the EFFECTIVENESS of the policy 

References – references cited in PART 1 

Appendices (when required) 

You should expand your knowledge about the right contents to be included in each of  these sections by searching for, and reading, more samples of the policy that you are  writing.

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