Leadership and Consultancy Management Course work Help
1. Introduction
The aim of current report is to highlight the characteristics of effective leadership and finding its relevance with consultancy. The aim has accomplished by dividing report in two sections. Firstly, the five perspectives of leadership are highlighted from studies mentioned carried out in top journals of leadership. Secondly, the analysis of key concept is offered by relating it with discipline of consultancy. Finally, the study is concluded by shedding light on key aspects.
2. Theoretical Considerations of Leadership
The debate of whether the leaders are born or made has long been carried out in the literature, yet the most of researchers have suggested that leaders are made. The consensus on the notion that leaders are made has initiated a new conversation focusing on development which can enhance effectiveness of leaders. The study carried out by Rooke and Torbert (2005) as seven transformation of leadership has suggested seven developmental action logics encompassing; opportunist, diplomat, expert, achiever, individualistic, strategist and alchemist. The leader can move around these characteristics based on his position on leadership development profile. The Rooke and Torbert (2005) has indicated that opportunist, diplomat and experts are less effective as a leader, while the achievers are well able to implement strategies of organization. On the other hand, individualistic, strategist and alchemist are recognized as leaders who are able to transform their organizations through innovation and flexibility (Gladden, 2014). The most remarkable aspects of developmental action logics’ profile pertains to the fact that leaders can transform their action logic for achieving higher levels of effectiveness.
Along with this, the literature of leadership effectiveness is well supplemented by the study of George (2000) which has focused on role of emotional intelligence in leadership. The focus has been maintained on contribution of emotions and mood in defining the behavioral effectiveness of leader. The leader with high emotional quotient is able to understand and manage the emotions of oneself and of others (Giltinane, 2013). There are four major aspects of emotional intelligence including; appraisal and expression of emotions, applying emotions for enhancing cognitive ability and decision making, knowledge of emotions and management of emotions (Giolito and Van Dierendonck, 2015). The emotional intelligence can improve cognition and it can enhance effectiveness of leader as a whole.
Furthermore, an important paradigm in leadership literature is the aspect of ethical leadership and relationship oriented behavior of leader which can shape the quality of leader member relationship within organization. The study of Mahsud, Yukl and Prussia (2010) holds important place in leadership theory which has combined the aspects of empathy, ethicality and leader member exchange. The evidences from social exchange theory have served as basis of this study and offered that ethical leaders can earn trust and respect of their followers and they can become an effective leader (Eagly et al., 2003). Likewise, the importance has been offered to interpersonal skills of leaders stating that selection of appropriate behaviours is significant and leader with higher level of empathy are in best position to possess desired set of relational behaviours such are supportive, encouraging and helpful. Likewise, ethical values of leader such as honesty, fairness and integrity can contribute to strengthen relationship between leader and member (Choudhary, Akhtar and Zaheer, 2013). Thus, the ethical leadership and empathy are the characteristics of an effective leader.
In related vein, the contemporary organizations are in great need of adaptive leadership and Yukl and Mahsud (2010) has carried out a study on role of flexible and adaptive leadership in organizations. The adaptive leadership is based on contingency theory which provides that leader needs to modify his leadership style and behaviour based on circumstantial requirements. The increased globalization and drastic changes in environment are demanding extensive level of innovation within organization, which is fostered through flexible and adaptive leadership. The study has provided that leader pursues competing values and making trade-off between tasks and people. Likewise, trade-off between efficiency and innovation is also an important aspect of flexible leadership (Chhokar, Brodbeck and House, 2013). The flexible and adaptive leadership is the most significant paradigm for suggesting effectiveness of leader.
Finally, the most significant form of leadership for contemporary leaders is transformational, which provides that there are there are four characteristics which are compulsory in an effective leader including; individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, and inspirational motivation and idealized influence. The study of Braun, S., Peus, Weisweiler and Frey (2013) has provided that transformational leader can enhance trust of its followers and they can be motivated in appropriate way. Moreover, the transformational leadership can enhance individual and team based relationship and transformational leadership can further strengthen trust between all members of organization (Bhatti at al., 2012).
3. Analysis and Reflection
The leadership is a diverse concept and selection of right set of behaviors and styles is important for defining the effectiveness of leadership within organization (Spector, 2014). The above mentioned studies on leadership have significantly enhanced my knowledge on leadership and it can be offered that understanding of these concepts is important for becoming an effective leader. The study of Rooke and Torbert (2005) has offered a strong argument against endless debate of whether the leaders are born or made. It has clearly been indicated that leadership traits can be developed and evolved over time. Likewise, the importance of emotional intelligence has unveiled the soft aspect of leadership which can not only enhance the effectiveness of leaders but can maintain a strong and healthy relationship within organization (Mandell and Pherwani, 2003). Most popular leaders of the world including Larry Page are considerably high in emotional intelligence and it is offering that high emotional quotient is highly desirable characteristic of effective leaders. The arguments in favour of emotional intelligent leadership has enhanced my understanding that in order to extend career in consultancy management, the significant ability is required to manage the emotions (Sosik and Godshalk, 2000). It is also applicable in personal life, as well managed emotions can assist in coping with complicated situations and enables the person to deal with diverse individuals.
A leader comes across number of ethical dilemmas and awareness of ethical values are substantially important for becoming an effective leader. The highlighted aspects of leader member exchange, empathy and ethical leadership has unveiled the fact that all of this constructs are interlinked and to become an effective leader the right mix of these characteristics are highly essential (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee, 2013). Similarly, the prior believes were focusing on finding the best practice for all possible situations, which had evinced many complications for leaders. Therefore, the concept of adaptive leadership has the potential to inspire flexibility, which is the most essential characteristic for becoming an effective management consultant to adjust with changing conditions of environment and industry (Javed, Jaffari and Rahim, 2014). Finally, the transformational leadership aspect has offered the way of inspiring followers which is the most vital aspect of success in consultancy career (Johnston and Marshall, 2016). For instance, the consultancy organizations are mainly responsible for suggesting improvements in organizations which require higher degree of motivation to carry out changes and charismatic behaviour of leader can make that possible.
Finally, the evidences have reflected that role of consultancy organizations is also changing due to democratization of knowledge and extensive availability of information (Landis, Hill and Harvey, 2014). The contemporary consultancy professionals are required to obtain significant know how of effective leadership styles and behaviors with an aim of offering assistance to the organizations for leading effectively. Such as, an important role of consultancy organizations is to provide assistance during change management process which is at common place in contemporary organizations being working in highly drastic environment. The consultancy has greater relevance with leadership due to the fact that change can only be managed through effective leadership style as it requires the efforts to enhance acceptability of organizational members (Leban and Zulauf, 2004). Additionally, the development of coaching skills and implementation of new technology also comes under the roles of management consultants and both require significant knowledge of leadership. The present report has attempted to highlight main aspects of an effective leadership and given these views, it can be offered that leadership perspectives highlighted in current report are mainly beneficial for practice.
4. Conclusion
The leadership styles of individuals are subject to change over time and development can be carried out successfully for improving the leadership style. The emotionally intelligent leaders can make better decisions and they can avoid conflicting situations, thereby maintaining positive working environment and high quality relationship with followers. The leaders need to consider ethicality and empathy aspect into account with an aim of fostering trust and high quality leader members exchange within organization. Similarly, the most required aspect of contemporary leaders is flexibility and adaptability as the open structure is prevailing within organization and culture of innovation demands for higher level of flexibility in leaders. In related vein, the charisma has gained significant position is leadership theories and transformational leaders are considered as highly suitable for contemporary organizations as they support innovation and promote flexibility. These highlighted perspectives of leadership can boost up effectiveness of consultancy organizations as any new improvement and implementation of processes require involvement of organizational members and promote change. Both motivation of organizational members and management of change requires and effective mixture of leadership characteristics. Therefore, the knowledge of leadership aspects is important for carrying out consultancy in appropriate manner.
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