ITECH3100 – Mobile and Cloud Security

Assignment 1 – System Discovery
For this assessment task, you will create a written technical
report exploring one smart/automation system that has been
applied to an industry or field.
The purpose of this assignment is for you to develop your bigpicture thinking, and to explore various impacts of the everchanging IT industry.

Timelines and Expectations
Percentage Value of Task: 10% of the final grade
Minimum time expectation: 20hrs

Learning Outcomes Assessed
The following course learning outcomes are assessed by
completing this assessment task:
• S1. Critically evaluate various types of trust in mobile cloud
• S2. Distinguish different levels of security for mobile cloud
• A1. Audit different security threats involved in mobile cloud.
• A2. Investigate current security issues and challenges in relation
to mobile cloud computing.
• A3. Communicate professionally to list security policies for mobile
cloud computing.

Assessment Details
1. Search literature and real-world applications in your life
environment, get to know one category of smart systems that
have been applied in one of the following areas:
a. Smart Home and Furniture
b. Smart Care for Older People
c. Smart Logistics and Retail
d. Smart Agriculture
e. Smart Environment and Ecosystems
f. Smart Medicine and Healthcare
g. Smart Roads and Transportation
2. Discover via Step 1, one specific smart system/device of
your interest. Note that the chosen system/device must
include mobile and/or cloud components.
The following gives a list of example systems, on which a
collection of literatures has been provided on Moodle as the
references for your Assignment 1 work.
1) Wearable Sensor for Human Activities Monitoring
2) Body Area Network
3) IoT Health Monitoring System
4) Agriculture Product Traceability System
5) 5G Application System
6) Smart Home Robot
3. Conduct system discovery (on the system from the
viewpoint of system function, architecture, access control, and
communication, respectively, and prepare a technical report in
the following structure
1. Introduction (new functions and applications in Industry).
2. Review of how cyber-attacks happened to the smart
2. System Architecture (components, Internal and external
connections, and key technologies)
4. Vulnerability Analysis and Countermeasure (space for
Assignment 2)
5. Related works and summary (similar systems
Students can include diagrams and tables to present your
information in the report. Report should be maximum 3 pages
and should include title, abstract, and reference.
Technical report should be formatted in the ACM proceedings
format. You may find the templates for word and LaTex via
We recommend using the LaTeX Collaborative Authoring Tool
on Overleaf Platform included on the above page that is
particularly convenient for group projects.

You are required to complete this assignment individually.

Submission Details
You are required to submit a single file (.doc or .docx or pdf or
.zip). Please name your file as follows:
FAMILYNAME_ GivenName _StudentID _ASS1
For example SMITH_John_30091234_ASS1.docx. or (Latex)
All submissions for this course are via the submission boxes in
the Assessment section of the Moodle shell for the course.

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