Individual Essay on Leadership
Theories surrounding leaders and leadership continue to advance/develop as the complexity, scope of organizations shift from command and control structures to more agile structures for managing change. In today’s environment, the pace of disruptive innovation is fast tracking which is forcing organizations to rely on the latest leadership theories to keep organizations competitive in rapidly changing markets.
Task: Do you agree with the statement.
The topic of leaders and their style is as old as the human civilization, many myths and stories had been created describing the powers, specific characters and leadership style of the leaders. Later on, as the man developed more sense of understanding the actual world, and recognized the facts of nature, mythical beliefs about the leaders modified into concrete leadership theories. As stated by (Silva, 2016) that for many centuries, leadership was seen just as a personal quality, specific inborn qualities of a leaders were the common theme of the early period myths and leadership theories inscribed during the early period of more civilized world.
Maintaining the focus on personal traits, the early leadership theories portrays a simple top-down approach of the leaders. Particularly among the organizations or industries the sole leader was the only decision maker and responsible for the entire organizational performances. It was the period when the organizations were least developed and were operating within limited boundaries. However, with the advent of modern technologies, organizations made significant developments and expanding their operations across borders entered into a new phase of competition and challenges. Also, the new era of developments created many factors influencing the organizational performance. As such, considering the new challenges, and influencing factors the conventional top-down leadership approach appeared to be least affective. In contrast of the past theories, new leadership theories were designed illustrating new leadership styles according to the new era, highlighting the importance of employees and factors that might affect the organization’s performances.
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Any individual capable of influencing other people through his/her characteristics, personality, or behavior can be titled as a leader. Not only in organizations but in communities as well, there are individuals who possesses the ability to convince other members of a group or community about their ideas or decisions. Such individuals are equipped with certain traits or qualities which unifies them among their other members of an organization or a community, and enables them to compel others for a specific task or targeted goals. Thus, it is the traits either inborn or developed that enables an individual to perform as a leader. Considering the leaders of the past era and no learning or training opportunities, the same traits were rightly claimed as inborn. However, in the current advanced world with unlimited opportunities for skill development and gaining knowledge, traits required to be a leader can be developed through experience or training. As such, in contrast of the conventional belief that leaders are born and not made, in the current scenario anyone can be a leader if he/she possess the traits required for a leadership.
Leadership Style:
Leaders are categorized by different criteria and one of them is the style of leadership (Veliu et al, 2017). It is the procedure or mode of management a leader adopts to influence or persuade his followers for the accomplishment of specific goals. Among organizations leadership style is of major significance, as it is the style of a leader which define the guidelines for the performance of all organizational operations. Hence, the success or failure of an organization is based on the style adopted by the leader.
Conventionally, owing to the belief that leaders are born with specific traits, a hierarchical style was commonly adopted by leaders, that is, an organization’s entire performance was based on the abilities of its leader. However, as the organizations got more advanced implementing modern technologies, and multiple opportunities being available for developing leadership traits, the conventional belief became void. As stated by Alkahtani (2015) that the choice of a style is contingent on diverse factors such as personality traits of leaders, followers’ acceptance of the leaders, their readiness, task complexity and the norms and values embraced by the organizational members. Now, it has become essential for the organizations to adopt varied leadership styles in accordance with their operational procedures and the situation they are operating in.
Leadership Theories and their modifications:
Different leadership theories had been formulated since the beginning of industrialization describing leadership styles of a leader, while with the passage of time as new innovations took place and organizations enhanced their operations the same theories have been modified in context with the global advancements, organizational goals, and other internal/external factors likely to influence the organizational procedures.
Different leadership theories portray a different leadership style, it is not necessary that each leadership style will match the procedures and goals of every organization. Leadership leads to more productivity and profitability, but the extent of success depends on the style of the leader (Ukaidi, 2016). It is the capability of the leader to discern his organization’s mission, procedures, influencing factors and the theme of leadership theory to select the most appropriate leadership style for his organization. Thus, it is the traits of a leader which enables him to understand his organization, and determine the best leadership style to be implemented. The leadership theories of the contemporary world have also altered the conventional belief about the leadership traits of being inborn only, the new leadership theories acknowledging the trait development and learning opportunities clarified that the same leadership traits can be developed through training, learning or experience.
Though the conventional leadership theories seems to be effective in the past considering the least development of the organizations and meager challenges they were facing, however, the significant developments and innovations of the present world has compelled the need of new modified leadership theories for the organizations to maneuver their procedures through the challenges of the current advance scenario.
Organizations of Contemporary World Need Latest leadership theories:
The post period of second world war was the beginning of industrial developments. Since then every segment of our life, living standards, working attitude, demands, utilities, means of communication and organizational operations have modified from conventional to modern version. The advance mode of communication appeared to be a significant leverage for the organizations to expand their operations across borders, while taking advantage of modern technologies organizations are now operating in different geographical locations, thus there working environments or situation are not common. And as every organizational situation that arises is different, in the same way the leadership style adapted to tackle every such situation should also be different as every leadership style has different and unique attributes that are specific for specific situation (Rayiramkandath, 2017).
According to Stone and Deadrick (2015) shifts in the economy, globalization, domestic diversity, and technology have created new demands for organizations. And to cope up with the demands, leaders need varied modified leadership theories to determine the most feasible leadership style for their organizations.
To further understand that how the leadership theories of the past are now ineffective and new theories are applicable, a brief analysis of the past and current leadership theories will aid in interpreting the influence of these theories.
Trait Theory of Leadership:
The trait theory expounds that individuals have certain abilities/qualities that motivate them to rise and assume the role of leadership (Khan & Nawaz, 2016). It is the most initial illustration of leadership style. Trait theory also known as Great-man theory is mainly focused on personal characteristics of individuals. The theory claims that it is the specific characteristics of an individual that makes him/her a leader, and the same characteristics are inborn, as such any other individual without inborn leadership characteristics cannot perform as a leader.
Trait theory appears to be acceptable as there are many examples of organizational leaders who without any formal training or learning of leadership, leaded their organizations to the highest level of success. For instance, Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, was born in a farmer’s house. He did not acquired any formal training or education but influenced by his inborn traits founded Ford Company and developed his company into a major automobile manufacturer.
Though specific leadership traits are still highly valued to be a leader, but in contrast of the trait theory, according to contemporary theories the required leadership traits are not necessarily inborn but the same can be developed through the influence of culture, training or experience. Another factor that makes the trait theory inapplicable for the contemporary organizations is at present organizations are operating in an environment of intense competition, changing customer’s demands and highly volatile economies, as such, relying on personal traits of a sole leader might not aid the organization in accomplishing its targeted goals.
Contingency Theory of Leadership:
The contingency theories of leadership express the need for the leader to adjust the behavior based on a rational understanding of the situation and assume a leadership style that is appropriate for the occasion (Vidal et al, 2017). In the current advanced scenario, there are multiple factors that holds significant impact over organizational performances. As such, a leader should adopt a style in consideration of all the factor like economies, new innovations, market competitors, weather or customer’s trend that are likely to interrupt the progress of his organization. Hence, for a leader to be productive, there needs to be a match between the leader’s approach and the situation at hand (Wooi, Salleh, Ismail, 2017).
Moreover, influencing factors are not rigid that is the same factors can change without any warning or prior intimation, effecting the organizational procedures. A successful leader maintaining a sharp vigil over the influencing factors modifies his style in accordance with the changes. Thus, it can be stated that Contingency theory of leadership will be quite productive among the contemporary organizations.
Behavioral Theory of Leadership:
This theory is in defiance of the trait or any other theory claiming specific leadership characteristics essential for an individual to be a leader. Behavior theory focuses on what actually leaders do instead of what qualities or traits they possess (Yasir & Mohamad, 2015). That is any individual not born with specific leadership qualities, can also be a leader, by developing the required leadership qualities through learning or training. It is not only the specific traits that are essential to perform in a leader’s role, by developing a leader’s management attitude, working style and ability to convince other any individual can be a leader.
Considering various skill development opportunities in the current advanced world, Behavior theory can be beneficial for the organizations for the selection of its leaders through analysis of their behavior and actions, and not their traits.
Participative Theory of Leadership:
In the contemporary world of advance technologies, intense competition and various internal/external factors effecting organizational operations, a sole leader’s perception abilities and decision making will not always be productive for the organizations. Every individual possesses a certain level of intelligence and knowledge about his work and recognition of factors effecting their work. Particularly, the employees who are the actual strength of any organization, if allowed to share their ideas or skills for organizational procedures, the same procedures can be pursued seamlessly. Involvement of employees in decision making processes, not only aid in enhancing the performance of the organization, but also motivates the employees making them more sincere with their work or the organization. Thus, for the success of any organization employee engagement can be a deciding factor not only for retaining employees and productivity but also will affect customer’s satisfaction (Iqbal, 2017).
Participative theory highlights the significance of involvement of all stakeholders including employees for the planning, decision making and other procedures of an organization. At present organization’s are not limited to specific regions, at varied locations they are countering with different challenges like regional laws, local work force or culture, and organizations in different locations have local workforce who better understand their culture and environment. As such, sharing ideas and suggestions with the employees would definitely be advantageous for the organizations.
Among all contemporary leadership theories, Participative Theory has proved its worth for the organizations. As stated by Xu (2107) that when the employees are involved for decision making processes, they feel more engaged in the management process, more committed to goals, and more motivated to work efficiently. Biggest example of participative leadership style is of Netflix, one of the top entertainment company across the globe. The founder of Netflix once stated that most of the times he informed after a decision is taken by his managers. It is the sharing of authority and power in Netflix’s culture that has enabled its employees more loyal and devoted to the company.
In the past main theme of the leadership theories were mainly the leadership traits, it can be justified as going through the history of the past leaders either communal, political or organizational it was there hidden inborn traits which enabled them to perform as a leader. However, in the current era of advance technologies, innovations and trait development opportunities, the conventional theories are ineffective.
Different leadership theories had been formulated in different phases of developments, influenced by the challenges faced by the organizations, factors required for the organizations to accomplish their goals, and the factors influencing the organizational procedures. However, all theories have emphasized on the flexibility of the implemented leadership style, influence of external/internal factors and importance of employees. Thus, it is the leader’s ability to select the most appropriate leadership style for his organization which best fits with organization’s mission and the environment it is operating in.
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