92441 and 92456 Contemporary Indigenous Health and Wellbeing - Essay Help

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Assessment Task

In consideration of the assessment, coordination and provision of care that you will provide to David, please answer the following:

  1. Write a brief explanation of what "Closing the Gap" (CTG) policy is and why it was developed with reference to relevant literature and statistics. (Approximately 250 words)
  2. Briefly outline the challenges and/or barriers which have led to the new 'National Agreement on Closing the Gap' with reference to relevant literature and statistics. (Approximately 250 words)
  3. Identify and analyse 2 Social Determinants of Health (SDH) that relate to David's situation. Analyse how these SDH are broadly addressed in the new 'National Agreement on Closing the Gap'. Refer to current and relevant literature including the new 'National Agreement on Closing the Gap' (July, 2020)(Approximately 500 words)
  4. Outline ONE strategy you would implement as a RN to improve health outcomes for David while he is in your care. The strategy should be within the scope of practice for an RN, culturally appropriate, specific and measurable and supported with relevant literature to indicate it is achievable and evidence based. (making a referral to the ALO is not an appropriate strategy here). (Approximately 250 words)
  5. Discuss how and why the ALO and AMS would be involved in David's care during his hospital stay and on discharge, with reference to relevant literature. (Approximately 250 words, value

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