NUR244 Concepts of Nursing 2: Research and Professional Responsibilities - Assessment Task 2

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Assignment 2

In Assignment 2 it is identified that ‘Using the healthcare data, you will demonstrate your ability to identify issues in practice, develop clinical questions, and search the literature to find evidence to answer these questions.’

This report should be submitted as an electronic presentation and must include citations and references (Harvard referencing).

This task evidence achievement in following learning outcomes:

  • Explain professional and practice responsibilities and analyse their implications for practice. 
  • Critically reflect on your own values, attitudes and understanding to enhance the development of your identity as a member of the nursing profession.
  • Identify research paradigms and explain how research is used to underpin ethical and evidence-informed nursing practice.
  • Interpret and analyse information and research data to support improvements to quality and safety in nursing practice.
  • Critique the quality of evidence and adopt effective written and verbal communication skills to clearly convey your position.

The 1500 words is about 'equivalency' i.e. the overall content is equal to the 'effort' of a 1500 word 'essay'.

Our Academic Assistance: service is all about doing research and being good at it. The more research one will do, the better the paper will turn out.

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