Improving Personal Productivity Work Life Balance Assessment 2

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Summary and purpose of assessment:

In this assessment, you will work through a fictional case study of an imaginary stylist (‘Jess’) whose work/life balance is not right. Details of this stylist include details of her professional life – her demanding and abrasive clients, her unreasonable boss, current projects she is working on – as well as her personal life – her relationships with family and friends. Also included will be information about her stress levels and health.

Please download this document, answer to the questions and upload it to Canvas as a PDF: Assessment 2 - Case Study.docx


 Task instructions:


You will be required to analyse this case and make recommendations by answering the following questions (each of which has minimum word limits):

  1. How would you rate Jess' work/life balance? Why? What evidence do you have for this view?(100 words)
  2. What is working well in Jess' work/life balance? (70 words)
  3. What is not working well in Jess' work/life balance? (70 words)
  4. What short term recommendations would you make to Jess? (100 words)
  5. What long term changes does Jess have to make in her life to achieve a better work/life balance? (100 words)


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