Importance of Communication for Managers Assignment Help
Great management comes with great communication skills; managers involved on a higher level in any organization play multiple roles. Managers nowadays are not only responsible for the basic responsibilities allocated to them, their performance or effectiveness can be judged by analyzing how well their multiple roles are played (Khandwalla. P, 2004)[1]. In last few years’ organizational communication have been influenced due to the technological advancements. How such changes in the technology is affecting the organizational communication will be examined with the help of different models that explains how managers are adopting these communication technologies. Over the last few years the number of communication technologies that’s been introduced to the workplace are just mind-boggling (Miller. K, 2009)[2]. Get the best Assignment Help on Importance of Communication for Managers by top academic writers based in Australia.
Over the last few years in almost all areas of work and other domains that are related to work, technology has become the primary source of communication in organizations. Taylor, Fieldman and Altman (2008) argues that one of the main reasons for the use of such technology in business is its cost effective, easy to use and facilitating networking[3]. From the management perspective, the use of technology has definitely eased their life at work, as more work can be accomplished in less time and more messages can be conveyed easily to a large audience with the help of technology (Drucker. P, 2004).[4]
For managers or executives to be effective they have to make sure that both their plans and other requirements are delivered to their colleagues, superiors and peers, this can only be achieve through proper use of communication technologies (4 Drucker. P, 2004). According to Drucker. P, 2004, good managers are good communicators and poor managers are mostly poor communicators, mainly because of the reason that management is considered as a process of work activities that needs to be completed effectively with the help of other people. Corporate communication traditionally provides an umbrella for various forms and formats that includes but not limited to public speeches, press releases, customer relationship and most importantly stockholder communication (Sanchez Y, 2005)
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From the management perspective, communication is generally considered as a major challenge for managers mainly because of the reason that managers are responsible for providing information that directly result in efficient and effective performance of the organization (Sanchez. Y, 2005)[5].
On frequent basis managers need to play their role of bringing in the change that is required for the organization, in order to play this role effectively managers need to possess several competencies that consist of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. (Lecture notes)
The process of communication is important because it exchange thoughts, ideas, and emotions and create understanding between both sender and receiver that is how communication and management are related to each other. The manager’s role is not only to manage subordinates but also the manager has to operate within the constraints that are imposed on him by the nature of the organizations business. (Khandwalla. P, 2004)
It is not only important for managers to adapt the new form of technology available to them but it is also important for organizations to make effective use of such communication technologies, as more and more time sensitive information available to organizations, the overall acquisition, interpretation and the transformation of such information and communicating them is very important to stay competitive in the market (Barker. R, 1998)[6].
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[1] Khandwalla. P, 2004, ‘Competencies for Senior Manager Role’, vol 29, no 4
[2] Miller. K, 2009, ‘Technological processes’, Organizational communication 5th Edition pg 237 – 256
[3] Taylor. H, Fieldman. G, Altman. Y, 2008, ‘E-mail at work: A cause for concern? The implications of the new communication technologies for health, wellbeing and productivity at work’, Journal of Organizational transformation and social change Vol 5 No. 2
[4] Drucker. P, 2004, ‘What makes an Effective Executive’, HBR
[5] Sanchez. Y, 2005, ‘Workplace Communication’, chp 4
[6] Barker. R, 1998, ‘The role of communication in Creating and maintaining a Learning organization: Preconditions, Indicators and Disciplines’, Journal of Business Communication Vol 35, No 4 pg 443 – 467
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