Assignment Help on Human Resource Management
Why are elements in AMO critical to individual performance?
In general terms HRM can be considered as a set of activities that are aimed at building individual and other workforce performance. It can be state that the AMO model is directly linked with individual performance within any organization, regardless of which industry it belongs to. Within the AMO model, each of its elements are dependent on the others, due to which any individual/employee may not be able to be able to contribute fully to improve his/her performance if he lacks the right skills.
The overall AMO framework is useful way of indicating that no one knows the relationship between ability, motivation and opportunity, though all these elements are useful in creating employee performance that eventually enhance the overall performance of the organization. At the same time the AMO framework argues that individual performance is some function of the individual abilities, their motivation and opportunities that enables them to perform in specific context. If employees are aware if their abilities, what they are capable of, their motivational level and opportunities that are available for them then their overall performance can be enhanced that in return will eventually improve the performance of the organization as a whole.
Management tends to prefer employee voice over union voice?
Over the last few years it has been observed that employee voice became a controversial area of management, for HRM department it’s a growing concern that how much influence should employees have over decisions that might affect their work. From the term ‘Employee Voice’ it can be analyzed as a term covering all types of opportunities that might be available for employees that enable them to have their say and put some influence over various workplace decisions that of their interest. However according to George Strauss stated that ‘voice is meaningless if the message is ignored’ (2006: 803).
The reason why managers tend to prefer direct employee voice to union voice especially in competitive conditions is to be able to reduce extra costs, as cost effectiveness is the primary goal of management in HRM. Another important reason is that it helps to shape employee’s views about their employer and other senior management team. On the other hand, the overall ability of unions to gain ‘monopoly’ power in doing negotiations over wages has been eroded over the last few years. At the same time, by preferring employee voice to union voice it may reduce workplace problems and bring ease in the management of change. It is up to HR strategy that provides employees with the possibility to offer their voice in job, workplace and other decisions that are related to company level decisions.
Labor market scarcity is not a threat to large organizations in any industry?
When talking about small companies, lack of growth is acceptable for them however on the other side for large companies in order to stay competitive in market and its viability will mainly depend on its ability to provide competitive job offers. For small companies especially during their startup phase it is usually hard for them to attract and retain talented people for employment. On the other side for large organizations that are operating on global level, they have the tendency to not only recruit employees but also retain them for long time even when labour markets are tight. One of the major reason for such advantage is that large organizations have the ability and tendency to pay significantly higher wages, provide superior internal developments that are not only hard but almost next to impossible for small/startup companies to compete against.
Large organizations have better resources in terms of their finance, access to internal labour markets and enjoy superior legitimacy in other capital markets. In situation where there is scarcity of labour in the market, large organizations will find some ways to attract and retain employees by offering them high wages and better working conditions.
Does RBV and groups in a firm generate outstanding values?
RBV: resource based view is generally considered as a major branch of strategic management. Over the years, RBV has advanced the notion of SHRM through advocating that the human resources are usually rage, cannot be substitute and are valuable that can provide sustainable competitive advantage. However it can also be argued that RBV is itself imbalanced as it lack on few core aspects of creating values. In saying that resource based view along with employee groups in a firm generate outstanding values, then the answer would be no, mainly because of the reason that it suggests that there are some core and critical workers in all firms who needs to be managed through high committed HR system, whereas less critical individuals should be managed through other HR models so basically the management of employees will vary from the nature of individuals.
Political Issues that affect a firm’s attempts to define a core workforce.
For over the last few years, managerial theories and other practices within the HRM have been preoccupied with issues that are related to power, influence and politics within organizations. It wont be wrong to say that the politics of management and the management of politics in the workplace locally or internationally have received a great deal of attention due to their image of pervasiveness and other potential benefits.
In getting the best out of employees, managers have a great role to play. Huber and Fuller (1998) have argued that in most of the organizations either large or small, managers do act in a political context, as they have their own goals that they need to achieve including personal survival and advancement within their organization, as for this reason managers may not be comfortable in providing with accurate appraisals and feedbacks that may motivate employees. Politics within organizations is mostly used to promote interest of people already in power and gain advantage over others. According to Vigoda (2003), describes organizational politics as one of those domains of interpersonal relations within the workplace, few of the main characteristics of organizational politics are the readiness of people to use their power in order to be able to influence others and at the same time secure personal and collective interests. However it can also be argued that politics is an essential skill in managers that enable them to get things done. Political issues within organizations have more negative connotations as compare to positive ones, that can be linked with terms such as cunning, manipulation, subversion and mutual degradation or in simple words achievement of goals in improper ways. Majority of the employees consider politics within organization as an evil, unfair and unhealthy behavior, however at the same such politics within organization is also considered as a necessary skills for those people who want to get ahead of others and get promoted. If such behavior carried out in organizations on a long-term basis then the possibility of it affecting the performance of its workforce would be high. Another important aspect to consider is the readiness of employees to be able to use politics is another factor that will affect core workforce.
It has been observed that managers within organizations have their own goals that consist of personal survival and other advancements and as for this reason they many not be comfortable in providing accurate appraisals to employees. Such behaviors from managers will eventually lead to a situation where poorer performers will drift up the rating scale.
Why is recruitment and selection crucial to organizations?
Recruitment and selection is the process that involves selecting the best candidate and most appropriate person for the relevant job. Effective recruitment and selection for organizations are gnereally considered as pivotal factors that serves as an entry point of human resources in any organization.
The overall success of any business depend on the quality of its staff, by recruiting employee with the correct skills will be added value for the business. However by selecting the wrong candidate it will result in creating stress and amenity for both management and employee that will eventually affect the organizations primary goals.
It is needless to say that effectiveness and efficiency of employees in organizations plays a very crucial role towards achieving desired goals for any organization either small or large. For management to be able to run the company successfully it is of utmost importance to recruit and select the candidate with the required skills. For any organization recruitment and selection are one of the most basic and significant parts as they help in deciding the best candidate on the right place that will support the organization ability to acquire, retain and also further develop the best talents and skills from the market. In case if organizations HRM department fail to recruit the right candidate it will not only result in high employment turnover but at the same time it will also require the organization to go through the same recruitment and selection process again and again, which will not only be time consuming but at the same time will involve a lot of cost. As for this reason it is important to consider employees as an important assets of any company and it is for the organization best interest to recruit and select candidates that are fit for the organization.
For organizations the overall recruitment and selection is generally considered as a systematic process that needs to follow in order to ensure that they have attracted right candidate that will eventually benefit the organization in the long run.
Major technological change that has challenged newspaper and postal services
Over the last few years there has been a rapid advancement in technology, in today’s organizations, computer technologies play a very important role on daily basis. At present, the overall use of technologies such as e-mail is no longer considered as innovations in the way we communicate within organizations and externally.
With great technological changes over the years, it has confronted operators with various new forms of competition services, however it also provide various new opportunities such as with the help of new technology in just in time delivery of products by express delivery. In simple terms the key functionality of the postal services industry are communication and transportation of goods, the greatest direct impact that technology has made is on communication. It has been observed that majority of the communication is now taking place through emails as compare to postal services. Even the large size documents can now be sent through emails where the delivery of same documents was only possible through postal services. At the same time, the development in technology has also made a huge impact on newspaper industry as more and more people are now keen on reading news on their smart phones, tables and other eBook readers, which not only reduce a large waste of paper but at the same time it’s a lot easier to access the relevant information that the user would like to read or to be aware of. With the newspaper industry, it included the production of written, printed and distribution of it, at the same time excessive labor is also required to carry out such process. However with the technological advancement there has been a decline in the use readership of newspaper as people are keener on accessing such information through other technological devices.
Because of this very reason the current business model of magazines around the world seems to be broken and the direct evident cause if the technology, more and more content is moving online which can be accessed any time of the day from any location. It has also been observed that due to this change the transition from offline to online has, however resulted in increase expectations of both the readers and the advertisers. Many people believe that the impact of technology on newspaper and postal services cannot be revised, but it will only get further worse.
- What kind of approach has the company traditionally taken towards company culture and synergy within the worldwide group? What approach are the board and Cindy wanting to take now and what broad type of global HR strategy is she signaling?
The term corporate culture in simple and general terms can be defined as an overall personality of an organization, or in simpler terms the way things are usually done in that particular organization. For employees, shareholders and every other individual in that company needs to be aware of the company’s corporate culture. Every single company has its own culture that it would like to be implemented not only locally but internationally as well.