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Section C: Performance Activity

Section C2

Task 1: Prepare for on-the-job coaching

  1. How was the need for coaching identified?
  2. What communication techniques can you use when discussing John’s needs with him?
  3. Your discussions have identified that John needs coaching on how to correctly lift and carry boxes. He understands how to use a truck trolley and where the stock is to be stored in the storeroom. The correct procedure was explained to him some time ago but he has forgotten it. Explain the overall purpose of the coaching session to John.
  4. Where can you find information to support your coaching session?
  5. What steps will you follow when delivering coaching to John or any of your other colleagues? Briefly explain what occurs at each step in these key principles of training.
  6. You decide to develop a simple coaching plan to make sure you cover all necessary information and skills. Complete the table to describe how you will deliver your coaching session. Use your workplace or training environment’s organisational procedures when completing the plan or research correct lifting and carrying procedures.
    Seq. = The sequence in which the coaching topics will be delivered.
    Topic/steps = the topic to be discussed and/or demonstrated or steps to complete a task as per relevant organisational procedures or standard work practices.
    Key knowledge = Required knowledge that supports the successful application of the task(s), such as WHS or hygiene requirements.
    Resources required = Resources required to deliver the coaching, including large and small equipment, stock, ingredients, documentation, machinery.
  7. What other details do you need to discuss and confirm with John if the coaching is not going to be delivered immediately?
  8. Choose one topic or step from your coaching plan and write how you will explain that topic/step to John.
  9. What are two questions you can ask after explaining and demonstrating the correct procedure to check John’s understanding?
  10. How much time should you allocate to this training session? Give a breakdown of the time required for each stage of the coaching process and total time to be allocated.
  11. How can you allocate time to deliver coaching to John while still completing your duties?
  12. John has received coaching and has practised the skill several times. You observe that he initially completed the procedure correctly, but is now tending to bend his back more each time he lifts or lowers the boxes. He is completing all other steps as per the organisational procedure correctly, especially when carrying the load from the delivery point to the storeroom.
    You are about to give him feedback on his performance. Write what you will say to John when giving him feedback.
  13. Its two weeks later and you have been observing John move boxes of stock into the storeroom. You are very pleased to see that he is using correct lifting and carrying techniques. However, this is a larger than normal delivery with many boxes to be transferred to the storage area. It will take him over an hour to transfer them all if he carries them individually. It will also be a physically strenuous task. What supportive assistance or advice can you give him in this situation? Write what you would say to John.

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