How to write a good research question, paradigm & proposal | Expert Answer Help
What makes a good research question?
By Raheleh Dara
Research question guides the writer to focus on the specific issue or matter than the whole topic of interest. It helps the writer to have a unique way of argument which is clear and specific. The good research question assists the writer to have a logical argument about the issue the researcher is going to investigate. The good research question helps the reader to know the focus of the research and find out which part of the broad topic has been addressing in the research. The good research question is one which develop future research and reading about the matter. a good question is what help the researcher to learn and find a new thing.
To formulate a good research question, the researcher should choose a general topic and do research on current journals, articles and books to find out what other hypothesis have done and argued; which help the researcher to conduct a narrow view of the specific issue or matter. the topic must be narrow and focused related to what the researcher is interested in (Mark, 1996). it means that if the topic is so general that may confuse the researcher and consequently the reader/s. So, one of the vital things which help the researcher to find the best research question is the most appropriate, focused and clear topic. In order to narrow the topic, the researcher should ask open ended questions which provide the opportunity of better exploration. Some questions which start which how, when, why; help the researcher to have a better consideration about the current literature and his or her topic of research. Furthermore, it helps the researcher to know if the research questions are clear and narrow or it includes inconsequential and confusing argues. So, the research question must be as clear and specific as possible to help the writer direct his or her way of research. The narrow topic helps the writer to have more attention to the kinds of the research question. Even though the research question should be specific enough to the issue, but they should not be answerable by “yes” or “no” answers (Mark, 1996). It means that the answer of the questions must requires research and study on the topic. It should follow up by some other questions like; how can I find the answer? Where should I search to find the answer? What kind of methodology should I use to analyse the question? this provides a wide and clear path of thinking which leads to an organized thinking and researching. The answer of these questions will turn in to the research and the main argument or topic of the research. Hence, a good research question should be clear, complex and arguable.
According to Mark (1996) although for most of the papers the audience will be academic, but in all research papers they should be considered as the most important part of a research. Hence another vital factor in creating the research questions is the reader/s.
In writing a good research, the researcher should narrow down the topic of the interests to have a research on a specific area or issue related to the topic. For example, imagine the broad topic is “the second language learning in adults” or “the relationship between age and second language learning in adults’ learners” which the researcher is going to find whether age has any affects on learning the second language process or not. this is a broad topic which is really difficult to consider all aspects of the matter. hence, the researcher should narrow the topic to one or two areas of the topic. For example, “does context have any role in learning the second language in adults?” or “which part of the second language is difficult for adult learners?”. Then this is easy for the researcher to focus on the research questions which help the researcher to have a wide and complete view on the exists literature or personal findings through case study, interview, etc. when the topic is clear and narrow the researcher can easily create the research questions with “why” and “how” questions to have related questions about the topic. For example, “how adults learn the second language in the second language context?” “why some adults never reach the high level of native-like accent in the second language?”. The research questions must be clear to know if there are any available literature on the area or not.
Research questions are the most important part of a research paper. Hence, the researcher must consider the factors which shape the best research questions. The most important factor is the topic. The well-developed research questions not only help the researcher to have a wide view on the specific topic and issue, but also help the reader to have a complete and easy understanding about is the topic and the purpose of the research.
Yes, I Agree with above given statement, right Research question plays an important role for any research, it help researcher to focus on it topic and provide right direction to finding out legit sources for research. Research question open up many ways to find out the accurate facts and figure about the topic researcher is going to investigate. Having research question makes it easier for researcher to be specified with the given topic.
My research paradigm is…
My research paradigm is pragmatic. The research questions with the choice of research methods are matched by pragmatic researcher, as indicated by each specific study’s demand(Mertens, 2015). Researchers work in the reality of life where they are immersed within the politics of the real world. Therefore, researchers are surrounded by the policies of government and professional association standards. The characteristics of my area of research topic match with the features of pragmatic paradigm which focus on mixed methods of research. Education research calls for pragmatism or “a methodologically electric, pluralist approach to research, regarding ‘reality’ as both objective and socially constructed” (Cohen et al., p. 23). So, methodologically pluralist rather commitment to a single paradigm. Mixed methods might include follow-up interviews. Surveys provide data that may need reviewing. Focus groups and interviews can supplement baseline data and provide for rich analysis of meanings. Other strategies include observation and participation. In this regard, within the area of my interest there have been significant number of researches that successfully show the use of mobile devices for context-based vocabulary learning.
Mixed method research is a kind of Empirical research that involves the collection and analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data. The philosophical framework for mixed research methods is provided by ‘pragmatism’ which is one of the research paradigm as suggested by Tashakkori and Teddlie (2010). Empirical research method has been predominantly used in this area of study where qualitative and quantative research aspects of it has been used in most instances. In this regard, I will be applying the same research method in my study.
Statement above encourage the mixed method research approach, It has given the idea how research can be quanttative and qualitative while using different methods.
What makes a good research question?
The research question is considered as a critical step that needs to be defined earlier stage of a specific research. It is a question that a research project sets out to answer. It is considered one of initial points for any research project. A good research question helps to link the researcher’s literature review to the kinds of data that will be collected. Researchers believe that once a satisfactory question is in place, a research can begin. Making one or two broad questions can be a fertile starting point for discovering what the existing literature is and what kind of data needs to be collected. Formulating a good research question has an important impact on all research procedures. This is because that the research question drives the way of conducting the whole research. Therefore, it is important to remember the research question during the process of conducting a research project. Flick (2014) believes that “reflecting on and reformulating the research questions are central points of reference for assessing the appropriateness of the decisions you take at several points”. On the other hand, researchers are likely to formulate a poor research question which can thereby lead to several risks or threats that affect the research process and results. For instance, poor research question might create confusion and hinder the thought process and prevent the development of the research. When the research question is not clearly formulated, readers of the study may fail to understand the aim of the study. To make a good research question, it should be an appropriate, meaningful, and purposeful (Thabane et al., 2009). It also should be feasible, interesting, and relevant to the research studied (Thabane et al., 2009). To conclude, good research questions can be significant tool that shape a study design, analysis and research results.
Research Question is the easy way to conduct proper research, if research question are specified and topic oriented it will give the better approach to researcher for his/her topic. Research question is one of very crucial part for any researcher, the more accurate and specific research question researcher would have, more it would be easy for him/her to find out relatable content.
How to write a good research proposal?
By Minxue Qian
Research proposals are designed to convince others that researchers have a valuable research project and that as a researcher have the ability and work plan to complete this research project (Krathwohl, 2005). I think the research proposal should contain the critical and sufficient information of the research plan for the readers. In addition, the proposal should address the questions of what the research plan to accomplish, the reasons and ways for the research (Jones, 2010). Finally, when writing the research proposal should be noticed coherent, clear, and compelling.
Research proposal shows the potential of research paper and credibility of researcher. It is very important to make detailed research proposal providing all the necessary information, on the other hand it has to be very specific, and topic oriented keeping the main topic in mind. So it can help defining the research clearly.
How to write a good research proposal?
There are some crucial steps in defining, expressing and developing of researchers’ area of interest for writing an effective research proposal. According to Cohen et al. (2011, p. 117), first, a researcher has to clearly explain about research problems that need to be investigated. In addition, Gray (2014, p. 53) states that it is very important for a researcher to explain the causes of issues and needs to characterize the problem in qualitative and quantitative terms. A researcher needs to clearly present the definition of the problem and clarify the group or individual affected by this issue with a precise context and background. Moreover, in research proposals, a researcher should include time periods that is how he or she will be investigating the problem. It is prudent to justify the importance and value of the topic under investigation relating it to the life of the involved group or society. It is also important to show how it will bring about change locally and internationally, while at the same time to explain how it will contribute to the existing knowledge in that field (Cohen et al., 2011, p. 117; Gray, 2014, p. 52). It is paramount to be precise and succinct about the aim of the research (Cohen et al., 2011, p. 117; Gray, 2014, p. 50-62). Research intents have to be very well defined and specific rather than a generalization. Another very crucial element of research is the methodology which will be in use. (Cohen et al., 2011, p. 117; Gray, 2014, p. 59 ). Methodology will clearly entail how the data will be collected and the tentative project duration, as well as whether experiments, surveys or interviews will be used to gather data. Moreover, Prior to the actual start of the research work, a good research proposal will highlight the existing situation on that area indicating the current debate and awareness by thorough review of the authentic academic resource (Gray, 2014, p. 54).
Last of all, Outcome oriented research enables a more focused approach. Therefore, a research proposal will clearly indicate the expected outcomes of the research, which may be finding a solution to a problem, identifying the cause of a problem or finding a new way of methodology (Cohen et al., 2011, p. 117; Gray, 2014, p. 50-62).
Research proposal should be concise, providing necessary details about the proposed research. It is very important for a researcher to explain his/her interest area clearly so the topic and its direction would be easily understandable. The potential of research can be seen through its proposal.
How to write a good research proposal?
According to Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2011), different types of research will have different designs. In general, a research design contents these elements: background to the topic, significance and research problem, research aim and questions, review of the literature, study project design, timeline, expected outcome/impact (Miner & Miner, 2005). Similarly, Cohen et al (2011) cited that, there are five main areas in developing a research design: goals, conceptual frameworks, research questions, methods, validity.
Cohen et al (2011) indicated that a mixed methods research starts with identifying the problem or issue that researchers wish to investigate. Secondly, identifying research questions. Thirdly, kinds of data and methods for collecting will be decided to answer the research questions. Then, the researchers will plan a mixed methods design. Final steps of the research are conducting the research, analyzing results, answering research questions can reporting results.
The above statement shows step by step process to conduct any research, how a general research should be conducted following the right approach. These steps help researchers to be focus on their topic so the motive of the research stays same. It is the easy way to conduct an authentic research with accurate facts and figures.