Do you feel sleepy and bored while studying? Do you find it hard to read for even a couple of minutes or find your subjects boring? You might say yes to all these questions like most of the students. The biggest issue that students face with their studies is their inability to concentrate.
What differentiates a standout in the class from an ordinary student? Why the toppers are always able to complete their academic tasks without any panic or trouble, unlike the ordinary students? What is the secret behind their success? Well, the secret is concentration. Imagine that there is a student who studies only about 90 minutes daily but performs better than another student who studies 4 hours a day. It is quite obvious that the productivity of the first student is a lot higher than the other one. This productivity mainly depends upon the intensity of concentration. If you can concentrate well, you will achieve the productivity you need to get on the road to success in your career.
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The question is that how do you do that? Following are the tips that will enhance the concentration power of your brain and take the productivity of your time to another level.
Tips to concentrate on Study
- Set study goals
Motivation always helps you to drive yourself towards success. So what is the success that you are looking for? Do ask yourself that why do I need to study? Do I need some scholarship or admission to a top university or maybe I am looking for a good job that depends on my academics? Whatever reason do you have, the key is to identify it and use it as a motivation.
- Make a study timetable
Before studying you need to know that what time you are going to study and for how long. The productivity of your work is heavily dependent on the time of the day you are doing it. Early morning is the best time to study as your mind is fresh and the environment is pleasing. Evening time is also good for studying. A late-night study is not recommended as it offers minimum productivity.
- Set targets
Suppose that you have a 1-hour slot for studying in the morning. Now, you sit down in the chair and start studying a subject randomly. But you have no target so you have no vision for that one-hour study. This can cause you to lose the motivation to study. So, whenever you are going to start studying make sure that you have a target in mind that drives you to stay focused.
- Bi-Modal Approach
This approach requires you to study at a place that helps you to concentrate. In simplest words, study in a quiet place. Studying at such a place gives you the required room and peace to concentrate on the job ahead.
- Get rid of all the distractions
No mobile phone, no TV, no laptop, and no such device should be present in your surroundings that distract your concentration. To acquire full concentration during your study time, getting rid of all these distractions is vital.
- Practice concentration
All these things can’t be achieved at once or in a single day. So, practice studying with proper focus to get used to it. All you need to do is to follow the above-mentioned things and practice them. You can start the practice from 5 or 10 minutes and then extend the period gradually.
- Visualize the concepts/no cramming
Studies get harder and boring when you rely on cramming rather than concepts. Studies do get a lot easier when you look to develop an understanding of the topic. So, the focus should be to absorb deep concepts and to visualize their use in the real world.
- Develop interest
Everyone knows that if you have an interest in a particular subject or topic, you can easily concentrate while learning it. But how do you develop an interest? The more you know about a topic, the more interest you have in it. So, research a lot, search for facts about the topic on Google, and watch relevant YouTube videos.
- Take short breaks
Taking breaks refreshes your mind and allows you to carry the tempo of the studying process. 5 to 10 minutes break after 30 to 60 minutes of study are recommended.
- Sleep well
If your body is sleeping deficient then your mind is not ready for studying. Sleeping well means you should have 7 to 8 hours of sleep at the right time. What is the right time? The best time to sleep is in the nighttime. So, get to bed early at night, get good sleep, and then get up early in the morning to study.
- Eat a healthy diet
A healthy mind needs a healthy body and a healthy body needs a healthy diet.
- Reduce screen time
Studies clearly show that excessive use of electronic devices compromises the efficiency of your brain. So, limit the screen time to less than 2 hours a day.