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Medical and Nursing


Nurses are integral path of comprehensive care and health promotion standards (Raingruber, 2016). Health promotion involves a process of empowering people to increase control on their health and enable them to improve their health (Pender, Murdaugh, Parsons, 2014). One of the growing problems faced by young Australians is type 2 diabetes (Diabetes Victoria, 2019). The type 2 diabetes has been considered to be a condition that is found in middle-aged or older adults and hence most of the care and support services are not designed to meet the needs of younger adults (Diabetes Victoria, 2019). This essay discusses how nurses’ role and concepts of health literacy, education and promotion can help in empowering the young adults aged 25-35 living in Burnswick and maintain healthy lifestyle and avoid risk of type 2 diabetes.

Target Population

Around 3% of the type 2 diabetes registered with National Diabetes Service Scheme are between the age of 21-39 (NDSS, 2018). As per the Australian National Diabetes Audit (ANDA), which carried out a study among 2552 adults with type 2 Diabetes, which involved comparing the self-care variables such as physical activity, adherence to dietary recommendations and medication adherence it was found that younger adults as poorer diabetes self-care practices that affected their glycaemia control hence control over diabetes was difficult among the younger adults (Nanayakkara et al., 2018). Moreland City Council covers suburbs of Brunswick and other areas and highlighted that in 2011, the areas under Moreland was named as Diabetes Hot Spot as there was increase of 161% in diabetes between years 2006 and 2011 (Moreland City Council, 2017). Type 2 diabetes can mostly be prevented or delayed with lifestyle changes at an early stage, which will enable the young adults to significantly reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes and live a health life (Diabetes Victoria, 2019). To address the diabetes issue among the young adults of Burnswick, a prevention program is proposed based on the Ottawa Health Promotion Charter.

Analysis of use of Ottawa Charter Health Promotion to reduce risk of Diabetes among Young Adults

According to Ottawa Charter, there are three basic strategies for health promotion, which include advocate, enable and mediate (World Health Organization, 1986). Advocacy helps people make the important factors of life such as social, cultural, environmental, biological and behavioral factors favorable (Raingruber, 2016). Enabling involves providing equal opportunities and resources to people to achieve their full health potential. Mediating refers to coordinated action by all the key stakeholders that include government, economic, health and social sectors, local authorities and media (Parnell, 2014). Nurses advocate on behalf of their patients and community by supporting cause that optimizes health that includes educational campaigns and activities carried out by non-profit organizations (Pender, Murdaugh & Parsons, 2014). Nurses also play role of mediator between healthcare providers, businesses, governments and media (Parnell, 2014). Besides health promotion, nurses play important role in health education and health literacy. Health education involves implementing effective programs that helps individuals enhance their health (Parnell, 2014). Health literacy refers to ability to access, understand and use services and information for good health, which the nurses can provide based on the requirement of the patients (Estacio, Oliver, Downing, Kurth & Protheroe, 2017).  As per Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion there are five action areas, which are build healthy public policy, create supportive environment for health, strengthen community action for health, develop personal skills and reorient health services and moving into the future (World Health Organization, 1986).

Build Health Public Policy

Health public policy under health promotion helps in integrating diverse approaches such as taxation, fiscal measures, legislation and organizational change to ensure safer and healthier foods and services along with clean environment is offered to the public (World Health Organization, 1986). Policies enable people to make healthier choice. To prevent the younger adults from getting type 2 diabetes in Burnswick, policies and programs for use of healthy contents in the food should be encouraged. Nurses based on the policies can encourage the target population to opt for certain type of food having certain ingredients, which can promote health and avoid foods with increased sugar or other contents that can led to diabetes. Based on evidence based practices, nurses should be trained to educate the younger adults who face type 2 diabetes or have some symptoms of getting diabetes about following certain diet and discouraging them to eat outside.

Create Supportive Environment

The changing patterns of work, life and leisure has made significant impact on health and creating a same, satisfying, stimulating and enjoyable living and working conditions can help promote health (Raingruber, 2016). Nurse-on-call, which is a facility available for various health related issues should provide help on controlling and changing diet habits. Providing safe access to the cycle ways and walk ways can help promote physical activity among the young adults, which is essential to avoid type 2 diabetes symptoms. Establishing support groups across the healthcare institutions who can conduct programs related to developing habits of exercising, eating healthy by making some changes to the diet would help in providing health literacy and education (Estacio et al., 2017). The target population will learn about the importance of physical activity and diet and realizing the negative impact of ignoring diet and physical activity will encourage them bring changes in their lifestyle.

Strengthen Community Action

The health promotion is effective when there is backing from the community who are capable of taking actions in setting priorities, planning strategies, making decisions and implementing them to achieve good health (Raingruber, 2016). Community actions contribute towards enhancing self-help and social support and develop systems that enhance public participation in improving health matters (World Health Organization, 1986). Collaboration within the community should be encouraged wherein volunteers can be invited by the government and non-profit organization, which can include nurses to organize certain campaigns and programs that would encourage healthy lifestyle with balance between healthy diet and physical activity (Parnell, 2014). Nurses can share information on the impact of junk food and communicate the benefit of home-cooked food.

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Develop Personal Skills

Health promotion helps in social and personal development by having access to information, health education and enhancing the skills for carrying out various life tasks (Zarcadoolas, 2006). By enabling people to learn and prepare themselves for all stages is essential and can be done in several settings. Action is needed from professionals and educationists along with voluntary bodies (World Health Organization, 1986). To empower the young adults to develop personal abilities to control and improve health, nurses can highlight the impact of home cooked food, benefits of certain type of food, minimum exercise required depending on the weight and capacity. Nurses should be trained to take feedback from the patients and advise them about the precautions they need to take to avoid increase of any possible symptom of diabetes (Nanayakkara et al., 2018). This health education and literacy act will help the young generation to consult the nurses in case they are not able to maintain certain exercise schedule or diet plan provided by the nurse in response to the symptoms that a patient might have.

Reorient Health Services

Health promotion in health services is a responsibility of many stakeholders such as individuals, health professionals, community groups, governments and health service institutions (World Health Organization, 1986). Health services and professionals should support needs of individuals and communities and direct them towards healthier life and establish channels between the heath services and other elements of the society such as social, physical environment, political and economic (Pender, Murdaugh, Parsons, 2014). To promote education and literacy about maintaining right lifestyle, nurses should be empowered through training and enabling them to give support the patients with low health literacy levels. Healthcare institutions should introduce health promotion officer positions, which can include recruiting nurses for the position who would be responsible for developing and coordinating preventive health activities (Parnell, 2014). They can arrange for health promotion programs in schools, universities and organizations, which would help in educating the young adults to gain knowledge bad impact of processed food and learn about the positive actions that they can take to reduce diabetes symptoms or entirely avoid.

Moving into the Future

As per the charter, health is created by caring for oneself and others and by taking decisions and having control over one’s life situations and ensuring that the people in society create conditions that allow attainment of health by all members (Pender, Murdaugh, Parsons, 2014). To reduce risk of type 2 diabetes among the young adults in Burnswick, it is essential for government, institutions, non-profit organizations to encourage health eating and provide more options for healthy eating and physical activity through work life balance. Organizations by introducing some programs on weekly basis can encourage employees to engage in team exercises outside the office premises through which individuals can inspire each other about healthy eating and carrying out adequate physical activity. By participation of different members of the society, the health promotion activities can be reinforced. 


Nurses play an important role in health promotion, health education and literacy. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion highlights that health promotion should include building healthy public policy, creating supportive environment, strengthening community actions, developing personal skills and reorienting the healthcare services. There is increasing number of young adults in Australia suffering from type 2 diabetes in recent times. Moreland city council, which includes Burnswick city has seen increased cases of diabetes patients. Health promotion for the young adults between 25-35 based on Ottawa Charter Health promotion program will help in enhancing health literacy and education and enable the young generation to make healthy diet choices and avoid eating from out all the time. The support from communities, healthcare institutions, nurses and effective policies can help people realize the importance of healthy diet and physical activity and make efforts to balance the lifestyle with good diet and adequate physical activity, which can help young adults avoid having type 2 diabetes.


Diabetes Victoria. (2019). Young adults with type 2. Retrieved from


Estacio, E., Oliver, M., Downing, B., Kurth, J. & Protheroe, J. (2017). Effective Partnership in Community-Based Health Promotion: Lessons from the Health Literacy Partnership. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 14(12), 1550.

Moreland City Council. (2017). Health and Wellbeing Profile 2017. Retrieved from


Nanayakkara, N., Pease, A., Ranasinha, S., Wischer, N., Andrikopoulos, S., De Courten, B. & Zoungas. (2018). Younger people with Type 2 diabetes have poorer self-care practices compared with older people: results from the Australian National Diabetes Audit. Diabetes Med. 35(8), 1087-1095.

NDSS. (2018). Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved from


Parnell, T. (2014). Health Literacy in Nursing: Providing Person-Centered. New York: Springer Publishing Company.

Pender, N., Murdaugh, C. & Parsons, M. (2014). Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (7th ed.). New York: Pearson.

Raingruber, B. (2016). Contemporary Health Promotion in Nursing Practice (2nd ed.). Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

World Health Organization. (1986). Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Retrieved from


Zarcadoolas, C. (2006). Advancing Health Literacy. New York: Jossey-Bass.

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