HC3031 - Trends in the Global Business Environment

Required Structure/Format of the report

• The report must include a cover page
• Table of Contents
• Executive Summary
• An Introduction: Briefly introduce the purpose of the report. Within the introductory
paragraph, you need to address the key topics you will address in the body
• Body Paragraphs: With headings/sub-headings: Please remember to support your
claims/arguments with in-text scholarly references/peer-reviewed academic articles.
• A Conclusion: The conclusion must briefly summarise the key points in the body
• Reference List: Please include all in-text references in the list of references formatted
in Harvard style. A minimum of 10 references is required.

Please Choose One of the following questions, using ‘ProQuest/Google
Scholar’ to conduct your literature search:

Chapter 1
Explain the characteristics of globalisation and how it functions. Support your
assertions with some examples.

Chapter 2
Evaluate trade policy, the main instruments of trade policy, and their impact on
business, consumers and governments.

Chapter 3
Identify the primary and secondary sources that can be used to learn about foreign
countries ‘cultures. Provide examples.

Chapter 4
Explain the differences among communism, capitalism, and socialism and how these
different economic ideologies affect the conduct of international business. Provide

Chapter 5
Explain how internal controls can facilitate ethical behaviour and help prevent
financial impropriety. Provide examples to support your claims/arguments.

Chapter 6
Explain the evolution of multinational enterprises (MNEs) and the pros and cons of
foreign direct investment (FDI) from a host country perspective. Provide examples to
support your claims/arguments.

Chapter 7
Discuss the role that export departments and international divisions play in the
organisation of global businesses. Provide examples.

Chapter 8
Describe the challenges involved in staffing foreign operations, assessing needs for
training and development, and designing appropriate strategies to meet those needs.

Chapter 9
Describe how new products are developed and how existing products are managed for
international markets.

Chapter 10
Discuss some tactics used for becoming an empowering leader and factors
contributing to organisational politics.

Chapter 11
Describe organisational and individual approaches that enhance creative problem
solving and explain how leaders and organisations can establish a climate that fosters


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