HA 1011 Applied Quantitative Methods Tutorial Questions

Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment 2  

Unit Code: HA1011 

Unit Name: Applied Quantitative Methods  

Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment 2 

Due: 26th June 2020 

Weighting: 25%  

Total Marks: 50 Marks  

Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in  this unit 

Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: 

  1. Understand the pitfalls and benefits of statistics 
  2. Distinguish between the different survey sampling methods  
  3. Summarise numerical data and present it both by means of tables and charts 4. Be able to calculate and interpret descriptive summary measures 
  4. Develop simple regression models and interpret the regression coefficients 6. Understand basic probability concepts 
  5. Understand when to apply different distributions, their properties and how to calculate  associated probabilities 
  6. Develop confidence interval estimates for the mean and the proportion 
  7. Perform Hypothesis Tests and interpret the results 


Each week students were provided with three tutorial questions of varying degrees of difficulty. These tutorial questions are available in the Tutorial Folder for each week on Blackboard. The Interactive  Tutorials are designed to assist students with the process, skills and knowledge to answer the provided  tutorial questions. Your task is to answer a selection of tutorial questions for weeks 7 to 11 inclusive  and submit these answers in a single document. 


You are NOT allowed to use Microsoft Excel for any calculations and you need to show all the steps in  each question’s calculation. Students’ answers are not allowed to be 100% similarto any other student  for any reason and this will NOT be tolerated. This MUST be your own work or penalties will apply! Refer to the section on “Academic Integrity” on page 3 of this document for more information.

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