CHCAGE002 Implement Falls Prevention Strategies - Assessment Activities

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Assessment Activities

Activity 3A

  • Give an example of a falls risk that could be resolved through the following types of strategy:
  1. Diagnostic
  2. Therapeutic
  3. Preventative
  4. Rehabilitative
  5. Social support.

Give one example for each strategy.

Activity 3B

  • Refer to the table in section 3.3 of the unit and using the same framework,
    suggest and resolve three different issues with strategies you could implement.

The headings are:

  1. Strategy
  2. Why it is needed
  3. How it can be done safely and effectively
  4. How it can cause discomfort
  5. How this discomfort can be tackled

Activity 3C

  • What options does your organisation have for the testing of falls prevention strategies?
  • Detail three methods of evaluating the success of your chosen fall prevention strategies.

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