CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People - Research Response Project

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Part A | Discrimination - Research and Response

For this assessment task you are required to conduct some research and respond to the following:
For this activity you are to select one of the following discrimination focus areas to base your research and response on.
a. Age Discrimination
b. Disability Discrimination
c. Racial Discrimination
d. Sex Discrimination
As a starting point of reference for research, The Australian Human Rights Commission is inclusive of the four (4) focus discriminations areas.
Your response must be 500 – 700 words total (excluding references).
The requirements for your response must address the following:

1. You are to conduct some evidence-based research to identify and discuss why you have chosen a specific discrimination focus area inclusive of identifying the relevant legislation.

2. Provide an overview of the discrimination, inclusive of how the related Act (legislation) relates to direct and indirect discrimination and how it protects discrimination in the workplace

3. You must discuss the discrimination in terms of the workplace directly related to the rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients.

4. Discuss any legal and ethical factors related to the discrimination.

5. You must identify the impact of the discrimination in the workplace on an individual (employee) e.g. trauma, stress, exclusion, stress responses. (dot point acceptable)

6. You must identify the consequences for breaches in the workplace and the organisations legal and ethical responsibilities.

7. You must identify what and where help and support is available (e.g. for an individual who is subject to the discriminations in the workplace).

8. You must provide a minimum of three (3) evidenced based references, one being the relevant discrimination Act, and two (2) other sources of information and research.

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