BSBINN601 Lead And Manage Organizational Change - Assessment Task 3

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Assessment Task 3

Following on from the ‘Case Study Part B’ you are required to facilitate a meeting with a small group of staff members with the purpose of discussing the upcoming organisational changes. All staff have been made aware of the changes and as part of the ‘Change Management Project Plan’ that has been approved. Meetings have been scheduled to allow staff the opportunity for questions and feedback about the organisational changes that are to be implemented.

Your Trainer will observe your ability to promote the proposed changes and to demonstrate techniques for responding to resistance to change. Your fellow students will play the role of various Bayside Call Centre Representatives and the trainer will instruct them on their role which includes the following scenarios:

Employee 1: Unhappy and not comfortable at making outbound sales calls.
Employee 2: Afraid to deal with angry and aggressive outbound call customers.
Employee 3: Stressed regarding job rotation (managing inbound and outbound calls).
Employee 4: Concerned that due to job rotation, their good work and effort may not get recognized.

In this task, you will be assessed on your ability to undertake the following skills:

  • Preparation – knowledge of likely barriers to be raised by staff
  • High level interpersonal and leadership skills
  • Lateral thinking and creativity of response
  • Promotion of change
  • Openness to ideas
  • Establishment of staff ‘buy in’
  • Identification of barriers and appropriate response – open questioning techniques
  • Teamwork skills
  • Verbal communication skills
  • Establishment of trust
  • Closure of meeting – congenial outcome – agreement on moving forward

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