FIN20016 Assignment-2B Business Report on Cryptocurrencies

Business Report on Cryptocurrencies (15 marks)  

You have been tasked by your finance manager to provide a report to the finance team on  cryptocurrencies. They would like to understand cryptocurrencies, their importance and the role they  play in the world.  

In your answer make sure you explain the concept of the blockchain. In preparing your report, choose  a cryptocurrency and describe its functions. Start by reading their white paper. For example, you can  choose coins such as Ethereum, Vertcoin, Tron, Bitcoincash, etc.  

If you choose Bitcoin, please make sure you describe and explain what the Lightning Network is. Your  report should be written for a general audience. Avoid jargon and over-technical language. If you use  technical language, make sure you explain concepts and provide definitions.  

You will be able to find information on each of these currencies on sites such as:  

 Cryptocurrency Market Capitalizations (Coinmarketcap):   World Coin Index (Worldcoinindex):  


 A4-size page, single-side type written, margin 1 inch each side  

 Font style: Times New Roman, size: 12 (except for tables/diagrams)  

 Line space 1.5  

 Length: 1,500 words (+ or – 150 words).  

 Maximum 12 pages, excluding cover sheet, graphs, tables, appendix, reference, etc.   You should have around 5 to 10 references (referencing format: Swinburne Harvard style).   Only peer-reviewed references such as journal articles, government reports, business  reports, reputed media sources are acceptable.  

 Coversheet required for this research report. Please upload the assignment cover  sheet as a separate file to canvas.  

Essential Sections  

  1. Executive summary  
  2. Introduction/background (includes objectives and scope of the study)  
  3. Information about the selected cryptocurrency  
  4. The methodology of this report and Data  
  5. Data analysis and findings  
  6. Market performance and competitiveness  
  7. Conclusion and recommendation (if any)  
  8. References (not included in word count)  
  9. Appendix (not included in word count) 

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