Table of Contents
What Is an Article?
An article is a piece of writing that presents a major idea that the author wants to convey to the audience. Article themes may vary and may include current or past incidents from throughout the world.
You can write for a variety of publications, including newspapers, magazines, and websites. The content you publish has the potential to impact readers’ decisions and drive them to act. In addition, the writer intends to create content that attracts viewers’ interest and connects with them in a way that other stories do not.
How to Write an Article
Choose Your Topic
Choose a topic that draws your interest sufficiently for you to devote at least a week or two to it. If your subject is too broad, narrow it down. Then create a first draft that includes anything that comes to mind. Stay casual, don’t get too analytical, and have fun sharing what you know. You’ll have the structure of an article that only you could write when you’re finished. After that, put it away for a while.
Address the Needs of Your Audience
Return to your draft now. Consider yourself the reader of this article. Choose three adjectives that best characterize the target audience (e.g., professionals, single men). What questions would you prefer to have answered as a reader? Even if you don’t know the answers yet, write down the questions regardless; the solutions will come in the next stage.
The research will give your article credibility. Quotes from well-known people are good facts to include in your how-to. Definitions, anecdotes (short, illustrative stories about yourself or someone else), examples from popular books on the subject, references to other media (film, television, radio), and useful resources, tools, or items that can be used in writing a feature article.
Put everything you’ve collected in a folder, an electronic document, a notebook, or anything you like. Remember to keep track of your sources in case an editor asks you to confirm them later. You might wish to look over your research at a different time than when you were collecting it.
What Is a Feature Article?
Feature articles are lengthy works of writing that explore a variety of topics, viewpoints, experiences, and ideas. A “feature article” is sometimes described as an intelligent, opinionated essay authored by third parties rather than the website or magazine’s owners. The purpose of featured articles is to assist readers to connect with the narrative and the article’s major components by providing a detailed description of a place, idea, concept, person, or organization.
The objective of a feature article varies depending on the medium for which it is intended. Feature articles should appeal to the audience that the article is intended for. For example, if a magazine is aimed at middle-aged women, the articles, advertisements, and photos within it will reflect their interests in lifestyle, profession, money, health, and relationships.
The Different Types of Feature Articles
There are four main types of feature articles, and your subject should fit into one of them.
An instructional feature article can show people how to do or produce something. It might be something as simple as writing a blog article about how to make your blog successful, or even launching a freelance writing business. The idea is for the reader to discover something new. People will enthusiastically suggest others and start transfers when they discover new things, which will drive attention to the feature content.
Expert Advice
Because both convey knowledge to consumers, expert advice and instructional articles are similar. Expert advice articles, on the other hand, would adopt a more relaxed writing style rather than an instructive tone. That’s because it’s more of a suggestion than a directive. People enjoy reading articles like this (5 tips on essay writing), especially if they know it comes from an industry professional.
You’re constantly bombarded with new stories when you visit your favorite news websites. In-depth details, such as the background and history of the people affected by the event, are frequently sought out in news articles. They might also talk about the event’s possible consequences. In a shorter inverted pyramid article that focuses greatly on the most significant elements, news articles will emphasize key details that might otherwise be overlooked.
Writing a profile feature article entails telling a tale about someone or something. It could be a famous person or a well-known company in society. Whatever person or company you write about should be well-known enough for people to want to read and share it. People are more likely to read and spread material that is unfamiliar or new to them.
How to Write a Feature Article?
1. Choose a topic for your article
If you’re writing an article for your website, have a brainstorming session to discover what topics would arouse potential clients’ interest. However, it’s best if you identify your article’s topic as soon as possible so you can start writing and determine if it’s the right path for you.
2. Find your target audience
To identify the target audience you’re trying to attract, you must consider the perspective of the reader. Consider conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) study to determine which audiences are best suited to the topic of the article you’re writing.
3. Look for facts that support your article
To write a compelling story that captivates a reader, you must have the facts. You’ll need a central place to keep your information so you can put all the pieces of your story together in one place. It will be simpler for you to take notes on your computer or smartphone using a word processing document.
4. The introduction
In the introduction paragraph, you might continue to draw the reader’s attention to the story. The reader should be told why this narrative is essential and worth their time in the opening. Before a reader flips the page or clicks away, this is your last chance to attract them.
5. The Body
For simple arrangement, the body of the feature article should be divided into sections with numerous headings. This section provides the majority of the story’s details. It contains information on the person, event, or organization, such as names, locations, dates, and quotes.
6. The conclusion
The conclusion should have a permanent impact on the reader and provoke a response. It should compel the reader to take action or force the reader to make a choice. A sense of closure should be there in the conclusion paragraph.
7. The final step is to read and revise
Read a draft of your piece aloud to a friend who will be supportive. Then ask him questions, such as: Does he now understand how the process works? Are there any steps that have been skipped? Using your best judgment, determine what adjustments, if any, need to be made in light of your friend’s ideas.
How to Write a Newspaper Article?
- Start with a powerful leading sentence. Your lead should be one phrase long and describe the article’s topic briefly yet completely. Tell your readers what your news article is about, why it’s essential, and what will be in the rest of the article.
- The next step in creating news articles is to include all of the relevant information and data that relate to your lead statement. Include the essentials of what happened, when it happened, who was involved, and why it’s newsworthy. These elements are crucial since they are the article’s focal point, which fully informs the reader.
- Include any additional information that can help the reader learn more after you’ve listed all of the key facts in your news piece, such as contact information, more facts about the issue or persons involved, or quotations from interviews. This extra information fills in the gaps in the article and can help you transition to new topics as you go.
- Give your newspaper article a good conclusion sentence to ensure that it is complete and finished. This is frequently a repeat of the leading statement or a statement signaling possible future developments related to the article’s topic.
Assignment Studio Provides the Best Article Writing Services
Assignment Studio is one of the well-known websites for its writing services. They hire some of Australia’s best writers, who provide top-notch article writing services all around the world. We’ve made an order form to ensure that we receive all of the information we need to write you a fantastic feature article. Get ready to receive well-written, error-free, and brilliant feature articles at cheap prices from our professionals.