Ethical Issues in Business
Annotated Bibliography
Anishchenko, V., Ostapchuk, L., Tsariuk, S., Karelin, V., & Kyselova, M. (2019). Ethical issues in the e-business in the conditions of the information society development. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 22, 1-6.
Anishchenko, Ostapchuk, Tsariuk, Karelin and Kyselova (2019), the reputed authors studied the characteristics of ethical issues in e-business. They have outlined the implications of the information-and-communication technologies being applied everywhere in all economic realms, they explained the incidence on the new type of e-business. The e-business is described by the use of ICTs in various types of business processes. While designing a development model for e-business enterprises, the following global business developments such as e-ethics, e-safety, e-payments, logistics, forecasting, big data analytics and increased labor productivity, social aspect of e-business enterprise activities should be taken into account. The following study shows that there is no question that the world's e-business is growing rapidly and will hit the global average in the future with a high probability. The expansion of e-business has introduced new ethical issues, such as the opening and review by management of employee e-mail correspondence.
Boiral, O., Heras-Saizarbitoria, I., Brotherton, M. C., & Bernard, J. (2019). Ethical issues in the assurance of sustainability reports: Perspectives from assurance providers. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(4), 1111-1125.
The authors Boiral, Heras-Saizarbitoria, Brotherton and Bernard (2019) here chosen a theme based on ethical issues in the assurance of sustainability reports. This research stated that reports on corporate sustainability are largely regarded as strategic issues. Hence, four fundamental aspects of ethical issues are being discussed in this article. Firstly, the commercialism underlying sustainability protection, secondly, the symbolic essence of the verification process, thirdly, the interdependence between audit and consultancy operations, and lastly, the familiarity with audited firms. Such four ethical concerns aspects are intertwined and dependent on each other. As one issue of ethics leads to the other. The study focuses on the refexivity of assurance providers on these ethical issues and the legitimization approaches used to clarify how they balance the autonomy and impartiality needed for auditing activities with commercial client-provider relationships aspects. The study also demonstrates the role of specific variables in the ethics of assurance services.
Allon, I., Ben-Yehudah, A., Dekel, R., Solbakk, J. H., Weltring, K. M., & Siegal, G. (2017). Ethical issues in nanomedicine: Tempest in a teapot?. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 20(1), 3-11.
The research paper presented by Allon, Ben-Yehudah, Dekel, Solbakk, Weltring and Siegal (2017) explored about the nanotechnology. According to the following research, nanotechnology is a complex domain covering science and technology disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and so on. This article focuses on discussing some of the nanomedicine-related ethical issues and reflecting on whether nanomedicine creates unique ethical challenges. Such a determination should have consequences for future legislative procedures and appropriate behavior and standards. This paper presented four nanotechnology-related theoretical problems. First there is consideration of the risk and uncertainty associated with nano-particles. Second, it elaborates the threat of moral blindness. Third, it addresses moderating risks and ethical dilemmas. The fourth and final section is devoted to the question that ‘‘is Nanomedicine Unique’’? This study also highlighted some ethical questions related to the design of methods in nanomedicine and nanomedicine is an unique niche in many areas of scientific research.
Oppenheimer, M., LaVan, H., & Martin, W. F. (2015). A Framework for Understanding Ethical and Efficiency Issues in Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Litigation. Journal of business ethics, 132(3), 505-524.
The study's reputable researchers used to establish a holistic structure that incorporates broadly applicable ethical and productivity concepts. It would encourage business leaders and courts to consider their competing interests, which are often faced with the need to take decisions that impact several stakeholders. Ethical and moral concerns become meaningful when the result is likely to arise gain for some and loss for others. Business philosophers have proposed various mechanisms or analytical methods to support decision-makers consistently and consider such choices. This research discusses two recent cases regarding the pharmaceutical industry's intellectual property at the Supreme Court and explores how ethical issues are handled and considered in deciding the outcome of the case. Because ethical concerns may or may not be compatible with applicants, offenders, or the court's efficiency requirements, it is important to consider both quality and ethical concerns.
Paolettti, I. (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue:“Ethical Issues in Collecting Interactional Data”. Human Studies, 37(2), 167-178.
The respected author Paolettti of this theoretical or philosophical paper discussed about the special issue on ‘‘Ethical Issues in Collecting Interactional Data’’ in which she considered the ethical issues as part of ordinary practices in conducting research involving the collection of interactional data in a variety of disciplines such as sociology, psychology, linguistics, anthropology, etc. This philosophical paper also addressed the codes of practice formed to identify appropriate standard of conduct within the field of work. In addition, in many countries, ethics committees have been formed with titles such as the Institutional Review Board (IRB), the Research Ethics Board (REB), the Research Ethics Committee (REC), and acquiring authorisation from such boards has now become part of everyday social science research practices. This paper addressed the concerned with protecting research participants from the risks involved in or resulting from research practices. Moreover, research ethics is developed as taking responsibility for the social reality under review.

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