Essay on The Impact of Globalization on Religion and Language
The overall terminology of globalization, modernization and secularization has its own advantages and disadvantages. Globalization is seen everywhere. The development of “globalization,” can be referred to the process that involves the drawing of products, services, and markets around the world closer together. Technology and media are playing their roles in bringing the world markets closer. Globalization is not something that happened over night, but it can be considered as a process that has been going on for a long time.
Cultural globalization has affected on many aspects of economic, social and cultural life. Local languages and religious practices are also been affected in countries like Saudi Arabia. Due to the growing need of doing business internationally, exchanging products and services with other countries more and more trade events are taking place now, where people from various countries participate and market their products and services, as a result of which cultural globalization takes place. Another reason for cultural globalization could also be the fact that many people from Saudi Arabia need to learn new technological advancements from countries like America, in the process of obtaining such knowledge one might be exposed to a different culture that might result in cultural globalization (Vesajoki. F, 2002). At the same time the need of learning other languages and to learn about the values and customs of other societies, has caused cultural globalization.
Every country has its own native language and they have their own distinct culture with its own values, same traits can be considered in the case of Saudi and America.
Where when doing a business internationally people from Saudi Arabia still prefer to communicate in their own language which is Arabic language. Considering the Islamic world especially a country like Saudi, both their language and religion are generally considered an inseparable part of Arab identity, however the Arabic language is undergoing a reduction in the use of Islamic expressions as they are more out-dated by simplified forms based on English language (Morrow. J, 2007). On the other hand, considering the case of America, there is no single religion but a combination of various religions, which can be termed Americanisation. According to Feigenbaum. H, 2011 Americanisation is contrary to cultural diversity, which is valuable to everyone.
If this trend of cultural globalization continues to grow in the future, the world and lives of people might be shaped by the conflicting trends of globalization and identity (Tomilnson. J, 2003). For both countries there might be no single identity that may challenge globalization, people in Muslim countries like Saudia will no longer be able to control their lives. Saudi Arabia might not be affected in their religion as they are the strong and firm believers of Allah, however at the same time due to cultural globalization Islam is spreading more and more in America (Morrow. J, 2007). With such increase in the trend of globalization there may be more complexities and tensions in multi ethnic constitution of societies.
Cultural globalization has more advantages than disadvantages, because the future for both countries is very much uncertain, English language is definitely more dominant over the Arabic language but the religion of Saudi Arabia is not affected at all. The need for doing business or exchanging products at the global level cannot be avoided at all and neither it can be minimized, because both the countries do need help and support from each other in one way or an other. Though there will be issues that may arise due to cultural globalization, one can only minimize them rather than get rid of them completely.
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