ENT308 Assessment 2 - Copyright or Trademark Legal Dispute



Search the media for an example of a copyright or Trademark legal dispute.  (Tip look in Scholar.Google.com or google.com Also use Youtube.com for additional information for copyright dispute cases. Or trademark disputes.)


Write an essay detailing the key issues.  What is the dispute all about?


Who is the Plaintiff?  Who is the Defendant?   Who took who to court?


Describe how a copyright or trademark issue occurred.  What is the basis for the complaint?


Was it an accident or was it just poor planning? What is the background to the issue?


In your answer, detail how the situation could have been avoided.


Did the matter go to court?  Any details of the court case?  Where in the world was the case delt with?  Why do you think it was delt with in the place that it was in court? 


What was the end result of the dispute that you have selected?  Was it resolved?  Were the details made public?


Was the outcome appropriate?   What would have been an alternative outcome?  Why?


The marking will be based on:


  1. Similarity – if the similarity is over 15% your work will lose marks. 

  2. References – about 10 for every 1,000 words.  Only 4 web sites maximum.  No Wikipedia.  Use the library of scholar.google.com.  Watch the video I sent out to everyone on referencing and bibliography in Word.  Minimum of 7 references!!!!!

  3. Bibliography – every reference you use needs to be in the bibliography.  Watch the video I sent out to everyone on referencing and bibliography in Word.

  4. Word count – not less than minis 10% and no more than + 10%.

  5. Theory – relate the work to what has been covered in the lectures.

  6. Understanding – your work should communicate that you understand the concept of IP.

  7. Language – the writing should be good quality.  Double check it, reads it back to yourself.  Make sure it sounds clear.

  8. Clarity – this is how clear you communicate the key issues.

  9. Relevance – how well you have answered the question.

  10. Expression – this is how well you describe the case study and the details of the issue.

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