EDU5SGT Sociolinguistics And Language Teaching Assignment Help

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Assessment Task 2: Applying your knowledge to a school or other institutional context (4000 words; 40% of your final grade)

Reflect on a school or institutional context that you are or have been a part of. Write an essay or report that:
1. Describes an educational setting and its language practices.
2. Discusses the types of language policies discussed in the research literature and consider how such policies help to promote/inhibit multilingualism.
3. Identifies the range of formal and informal language policies at your chosen education setting based on the criteria identified in (2) above.
4. Consider how school/institutional formal and informal (defacto) language policies might usefully change to further embrace multilingualism and diversity, and empower individuals to speak and write in particular ways. In your reflection, consider language as encompassing the written landscape of the classroom/school/institution, the activities that individuals engage in, and the talk that occurs in and out of the classroom context, and the place as a whole. Provide a rationale for your proposed initiatives and support these with evidence from the research literature.

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