BUS105 Introduction to Business Analytics - Individual Report

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PART 1: Do some research and: [ 2+ 2 +2 marks]
a. describe the online streaming (media) industry (e.g growth high/low, competitors, barriers to entry, etc.)
b. identify Netflix competitive strategy and at least one of its competitive advantage.
c. describe the main purpose of implementing big data analytics within any organisation.

PART 2: Do some research and: [ 3+ 2 + 3 marks]
d. define what a data-driven company is and three main characteristics of such organisations.
e. describe the difference between business intelligence and data analytics.
f. identify, describe and provide one practical example (for each of them) of three relevant business outcomes that a business might want to achieve by implementing big data analytics.

PART 3: Do some research and: [ 2 +2 +3 marks]
g. define both structured and unstructured data. What types of data is Netflix more likely to collect? What are the challenges of managing this type of data.
h. Netflix uses “Tableau Online” (which is a cloud version of Tableau) for managing its data analytics operation. Identify and describe three benefits of a cloud-based application.
i. empirical evidence shows that implementing “Big Data Analytics” is a common denominator amongst the most successful companies in the planet (Google, Amazon, Apple, Tesla, etc.).
Identify and describe three main obstacles/challenges that might be impeding other companies to implement such systems.

PART 4: Watch the videos and answer the questions below: [ 2+ 1 + 1 + 2 marks]
j. describe what challenge (business problem) was Netflix facing in 2014? What system did they use in order to tackle this challenge? What “business outcomes” did Netfilx achieved?
k. identify two different types of data used by Netflix in order to create the “Data Driven Gif Campaign”
l. according to Netflix’s engineers what is the most important feature within their platform? Explain why.
m. In order to provide a better service and increase its revenues Netflix is collecting a large amount of personal information from its users. Do you believe that Netflix is acting in an ethical way? Explain why you think so.

PART 5: Research, structure and presentation: [ 3 marks ]
a. the report must include a reference list
b. at least five references in Harvard format
c. the reference list not will count towards the word limit.

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