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Section B1: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

1. Describe a minimum of three roles and functions performed by supervisors and managers.

2. Highlight two expectations, roles and responsibilities of team members in the workplace.

3. What aspects do you need to consider about employees in regard to each of the following?

  • Change in job responsibilities
  • External training and professional development
  • Formal promotion
  • Internal training and professional development
  • Opportunity for greater autonomy or responsibility

4. Explain the use of at least two different styles of leadership.

5. What are the key features of open and supportive communication and why should it be encouraged?

6. Describe the meaning of being a leader in comparison to a manager and highlight the characteristics of an effective leader.

7. Explain the importance of teamwork within your organisation including examples of tasks that require teamwork, the roles of people within these teams, how teams are organised, and any issues that arise in teams.

8. Briefly describe the humanistic theory of motivation. How can Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory be applied to the motivation of employees?

9. What are the characteristics of a group with a positive dynamic and why is this important for successful team management? Compare this to a group with a negative dynamic.

10. What methods could you use to recognise and reward leading staff members?

11. Describe the use of short-term, medium-term and long-term plans and objectives within your business.

Section B2: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)

1. What communication techniques can you use in a workplace coaching context?

2. How can you determine the objectives and scope of a coaching session?

3. What factors impact the need for coaching?

4. Describe how you would apply the key principles of training to your own workplace coaching context

5. Describe how legislative work health and safety and hygiene requirements impact your workplace coaching

6. Describe how you can identify causes of performance problems or difficulties

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