Definition Essay
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Definition essay directs to define a concept, term or an idea. It differs from simple definition as that provides literal definition whereas the definition essay covers the denotative and connotative definitions of a term. It introduces the idea, concept or term which is being defined, presents specific and clear information about the term with relevant examples in order to clarify it. A good and well addressed thesis statement is important in an essay as to define the term. The introduction provides background information and the thesis places the major points of definition. It has three major evidence which relates to the concept, idea or term definition which is being defined. Though, it keeps the topic limited to the definition by function, structure or by analysis.
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Learn How to Write a Definition Essay With the Best My Assignment Services in Town
The online assignment expert has shared a brief guide that gives a clear idea of what is a definition essay and how to write it.
Select the Right Word
❖ Select an abstract word that holds a complex meaning
A complex word which directs to an abstract concept gives sufficient material to explore.
Typically, a noun which refers to a thing, place or person is quite simple for a definition essay ideas. However, those nouns which refer to an idea are quite better. For instance, the word “park” is pretty simple and an essay written around appears quite dull. By getting to more abstract like “garden,” however, allow going more with the definition. A “garden” is a concept, which involves many elements in the creation when compared to a park.
❖ The word must be disputable.
Aside from being complex, the word should also refer to something that can mean different things to different people. It calls for defining and analyzing a word from its own perspective, as subjective in nature. After analyzing a word, if the answer is the same as of anyone else, then the essay appears to lack depth.
❖ Select a familiar word
Own base of experience or knowledge is important for the concept selected, as dictionary definitions tell you a lot but elaboration on the word chosen to define is essential. For example, for the term “obscure” the word understanding will be limited. In essay the word can be introduced with previous understanding of the concept, which allows to check if the described definition truly fits.
❖ Read the definition in the dictionary
While for the essay, it is not recommended to rely completely on the dictionary definition. Familiarity with the official definition let compare own concept understanding with the most academic explanation of it.
For instance, the definition of “friend” is “a person who gets attached to another by personal regard or feelings of affection. The ideas or beliefs about what a “friend” really is have to cater more information, but the basic definition places a ground in forming one’s own.
❖ Research the origin of the word.
The selected word can be looked into any etymology dictionary or in Oxford English Dictionary. The sources provide the word history offering further insight on a general definition. It allows acquiring information about how a word came to mean also the meaning it serves today.
Effective Definition Potential Elements
❖ Writing an analysis
The word is separated into various parts which are analyzed and defined in its own paragraph. The word “return” can be separated into “re-” and “turn.”
To analyze each portion of a word, use additional defining tactics such as classification and negation. It works best for words which contain multiple parts.
❖ Classifying the term
Make sure to specify what parts of speech and classes a word belongs to as per the standard dictionary definition. It gives helpful context about the manner a given word is used.
❖ Comparison of a familiar term to unfamiliar term
An unfamiliar concept can be explained by making use of concepts which are easily accessible to an average person.
Take the term “confrere” and its basic definition states “a fellow member of a profession” which can be compared with “colleague,” that is a more familiar concept.
❖ About the term, provide traditional details
Provide explanation of any traditional thoughts or physical characteristics used to describe the term of choice. Taking an example; the term “home” is most of the time visualized physically as an apartment or a house whereas in more abstract terms, it is traditionally taken as a safe, cozy and warm environment. These features can be included in a definition essay on “home.”
❖ Illustrate the meaning by using examples
People most of the time relate to vivid images and stories, so using an image or fitting story which relates to the term is used in clarifying formless concept, an abstract. In a definition essay which is on “humbleness,” for instance, an act of humbleness which is recently witnessed can be written.