Consumers or Marketers

There always has been a heated debate about the control power between consumers and marketers. Every consumer and marketer have asked themselves the question that if they have the power to control or the other one has the dominant power. In this era, the customers can influence the market of any industry, the utilization of social media is now used as a marketing as well as a branding technique but customers use this platform to impact the market. Finding ways to use their voice and purchasing power to break the unstable professional practices and capitalism. In the near future, social media as a tool would be utilized by the customers to impact attitudes of the business and pressurize firms into increasing interpersonal role and might transfer to a more stable capitalism practice (Mainwaring, 2011). A usual consumer has the upper hand in selecting the information as customers are the one to make any product popular through the aggressive purchasing of the product (NewzSocial, 2014). The consumer communicates with the brand through social media so they decide that whether the marketers should be able to market their product on the platform or not. The consumers pressurize the marketers to take action against any launch or innovation of a new product that might attract more customers (Hellberg, 2014). Thus, consumers have the power over marketers.  


Hellberg, S. (2014). Power is shifting through social media; consumers are taking the driver’s seatBrand Base, Retrieved on 3 September 2020 <> 

Mainwaring, S. (2011). The new power of consumers to influence brands, Forbes, Retrieved on 3 September 2020 <> 

NewzSocial. (2014). The power of the consumer, and that of the marketer, Retrieved on 3 September 2020 <> 


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