CMPE2002 Assignment 2: Advanced Requirements Modeling and Specification


Assignments’ 1 and 2 are closely related to each other. The two assignments together form a  complete software requirements specification. In these two assignments, you will analyse the  requirements and write a requirements specification for a software development project of your  own choice from the problem statements provided. Assignment 1 expected you to model the  problem using a mixture of modeling techniques. 

Assignment 2 expects you to further use advanced modeling techniques like UML class diagram,  goal modeling and i* models (both SD and SR Diagrams) and then produce a software  requirements specification (SRS) document. The objective of this assignment is to give you  practice in organizing the results of a requirements analysis and modeling process into a formal  specification document. 

Doing the Assignment 

This assignment has following steps. They are listed as below: 

1) Further, develop models of key aspects of the problem. Your models must include: a) The structure of application domain information to be represented by the proposed  system (using UML Class Diagram). Include details on generalizations,  associations, cardinality and role names where they apply. 

  1. b) Model stakeholder goals using “goal modeling” and capture the organisational  context, dependencies between various actors and internal intentional rationale  using the i* models (both SD and SR Diagrams).

Note: Drawings must be clear and legible. You can use open source modeling tools of  your choice like ArgoUML, Star UML, PlantUML, OpenOME etc to draw your models – Strictly, do not draw models/diagrams by hand. 

2) Further extend and refine identified requirements (you have already identified subset in  Assignment 1), including all functional and non-functional requirements for the new  system, the data that the system will need to manage, interfaces to other systems, and  interfaces for different classes of users. 

3) Trace these requirements to the models you produced in Assignments’ 1 and 2.  Requirements must be traceable to the models. Note: Just reference them. 

4) Write a formal requirements specification that documents these requirements (using the  IEEE standard or Karl E. Wiegers SRS document). IEEE & Karl E. Wiegers templates are  provided on the unit webpage as ready reference).  

5) Create wireframe/mockup diagrams that illustrate what the requirement or functionality  may look like when fulfilled. These must be done using appropriate diagram modeling  tools such as, or any other suitable tool you have come across. 

6) Clearly list any assumptions you might make in completing this assignment at appropriate  places. 

Written requirements of the assignment: 

You should hand in a report (in .pdf format and contain all relevant graphics) of your work, not  exceeding two (2) pages (not counting references, appendices, figures or tables etc). The report  itself is intended just to give an overview of what you did, and the rationale for any choices you  made (e.g. about what to model and how to model it; how to organize the specification; the  requirements elicitation techniques used to further refine the requirements, discuss any interesting  lessons learned during the elicitation and modeling process etc). Your appendices (see below) are  likely to be considerably longer than this report. 

The report should include the following: 

1) A methodology section that describes your analysis process, including steps you took for further requirements identification, elicitation and documentation as SRS. 

2) A discussion session that briefly describes any difficulties you encountered, limitations on  your analysis, and interesting lessons learned during the analysis and specification process,  etc. 

3) A conclusion that summarizes the key points in the report, including a brief assessment of  what you have achieved overall. 

4) An appendix containing all of your models (UML Class Diagram, Goal Models and the i* Models). Make sure you provide enough commentary with the models for the reader to  understand what each model is of, and how to understand them. 

5) Second appendix containing a detailed requirements specification (SRS). Use the IEEE  standard or Karl E. Wiegers SRS document to give you a structure for this document. 6) Third appendix containing wireframe/mockup diagrams. 

7) Any further appendices you feel are relevant 

Assignments will be judged on the basis of visual appearance, grammatical correctness and  quality of writing, as well as their contents. Please make sure that the text of your report is well-

structured, using paragraphs, full sentences, and other features of a well-written presentation. The  report must not consist of itemized lists of points. Text font size should be either 10 or 12 points

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