Social Work, Activism and Change - Assignment 2

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ASSIGNMENT 2 - Social work, activism and change

Choose ONE of the following social issues (If you want to choose a different issue please negotiate with your Lecturer in Charge before starting your essay):

  1. Women experiencing intimate partner violence
  2. Quality of aged care services
  3. Neglect or abuse of people living with a disability
  4. Proposed changes to Newstart Allowance (currently Job Seeker)
  5. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children living in out of home care

Locate a reputable organisation on the internet that is currently involved in activism (eg: Australian Council of Social Services (ACOSS); Australian Association of Social Work (AASW), Get Up, Refugee Council of Australia, Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA), People With Disability Australia, Grandmothers Against Removals) to effect change for the particular group and discuss how the activist organisation compares with social work. Please ensure you are not describing an organisation that primarily provides direct client services. If you are unsure about your organsation please check with your tutor before starting your essay.

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