It is important to understand that all human life is precious. But these days many people around the world are committing suicide. Suicide is the act of killing or ending one’s own life on purpose. It is seen by some people as a way to end all the pain and suffering that one is enduring. There are many ways through which people commit suicide such as hanging, jumping from a tall building, ingesting chemicals like pesticides, cutting one’s wrists, use of firearms, etc.
When a suicide attempt fails, it is known as a non-fatal suicide attempt. Annually, there are about 15 million non-fatal suicide attempts. Non-fatal suicide may not cause death but it can cause lifelong or long-lasting injuries and disabilities. These injuries and disabilities can prevent individuals from living a normal and healthy life. It can also prevent them from taking part in various activities as well.
In most countries, the act of suicide is illegal and also considered as a crime. In a recent study, it was found that the people aging from 15 – 35 have a higher probability of having suicidal thoughts. Suicide results in deaths of around 800,000 people worldwide each year making it the 10th leading cause of death.
There are many causes that lead to people committing suicide. Mental disorders are one of the causes of suicide in teens and children. These mental disorders include schizophrenia, mood disorders, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, and many others. It was found that the chances of suicide were much higher in war veterans because of post-traumatic stress disorder caused by experiencing horrific, frightening, and threatening events during war.
Substance or drug abuse is also another cause of suicide in teens. Teens with bipolar disorder and depression resort to drugs and other substances. The usage of drugs influences teens to have suicidal thoughts and also causes suicide. The use of alcohol also has similar effects.
Teens and children who have medical conditions like cancer, insomnia, traumatic brain injury and other conditions undergo a lot of pain and suffering. In order to end this pain and suffering, many of them consider suicide as the solution to the problem.
Bullying can be found in many different places. Bullying means to use the advantage of strength to force someone to do something or hurt them. Many teens and children face bullying in their daily lives especially at school. About 15% of high school students have had suicidal thoughts with half of them actually have attempted to kill themselves.
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