Farm bank is an old bank that is located at the marketing center. The bank experimented to modernize its system, but there are some problems with the new system that could create difficulties and hurdles in proper implementation and execution.
- The bank tried to implement the new system with the old/experienced employees who are not comfortable with the new technology and who prefer conventional ways rather modern ways of working
- The VP hired a young and energetic woman but she does not have relevant qualification
- There was no proper research before the implementation of new MIS
- Survey should be done before the implementation and execution of the MIS
- The VP (MIS) should give authority to the Assistant for independent working
The problems stated above had been faced by the bank because of many reasons. The old and conventional organizations like Farm Bank, when they try to introduce a new system, they should need to do a proper survey to identify and access the needs of the departments. When the President of the Bank decided to introduce and implement new system in his organization, he should have hired an experienced and energetic individual with relevant qualification. The individual who is aware of the current market trends and needs and who is capable to adopt the change. Mr. Al Hassler was experienced and could be useful resource for the organization but he did not possess relevant experience and he did not have sound knowledge of the system’s requirements that’s why when he hired his assistant, the selection was not proper, as the woman was young and motivated but she did not have relevant experience nor she had relevant qualification. She could have better understood the needs and problems of the system If she had relevant degree. MBA is all together is a different field than MIS. The approval from board of directors is not enough for the implementation of the new system. The problem raised because there wasn’t done proper research before implementation, that’s why the management was not aware of the needs of the organization and departments. The survey that was done after MIS implementation, it should have done before starting it. Because in that way the organization would be in a better position to identify the needs and problems of the departments and individuals and they could design a system addressing their needs/problems and could solve them accordingly. when MIS department did the survey and the assistant went to the VP with the problems and reservation and suggestions of the department. VP should have given her the authority to solve these problems and should ask for her suggestions as she was young and could have some better ideas and suggestions. They should have handled the situation if they had used their expertise and experience. As the VP was quite experienced and assistant was young and motivated, they could have come up with better solutions to the problems.
New systems are not only good and beneficial for the organizations and individuals but at the same time they are very challenging too and can cause serious problems to the organizations if not executed properly. In this case study the primary goal of the management information system was to improve the internal operations of the organization and it did show a little improvement but there were problems in the system too and there were some serious causes to these problems that should have been taken care of before designing and installation of management information system (MIS). These problems had effected the organization and the individuals in different ways.
There was economic and monetary effect on the organization as the system had printed irrelevant reports without knowing the needs of the departments and without knowing when , why and how departments need the reports.
The overall system of the organization was affected as the VPs and managers did not have clear idea whether they should follow the manual system or new because many mangers were still using the manual system for their working. This confusion could affect the performance that eventually could have affected negatively the performance of the organization.
The departments and managers got disturbed because they were burdened with the reports that not only cause confusion but hurdles in their work too. If the mangers get disturbed it effects the entire department and as a result the employees and their performance also get affected.
The problems in the system also affected the motivation level of the individuals. Without motivation an individual feels discouraged and it not affects the performance but also leads to turnover of the employees which as results affects the organization too.
The problems could be addressed in different ways, in order to minimize the risk and maximize the returns.
All the Organizational development change interventions lead to organizational learning but unfortunately not all the interventions create learning (Asumeng&Larbi, 2015). There are different OD models, which implemented can give positive results.
The appreciative inquiry model was proposed by Cooperrider and Srivastva in 1987. According to this model change is an alternative to the problem (Bushe,2011). This model is built on recognizing and appreciating the capabilities of an organization in order to develop a better ways for existing potentials (Bushe, 2011, Cummings & Worley, 2009). There are following four stages or components of this model
- Discovery
It is the stage where the inquiry is made about the particular thing that needs to be changed. The inquiry is made through participants and discussions (Bushe,2011)
- Dream
This is the second stage after the discovery. This stage involves the members of the organization to visualize or think about the organization in an ideal stage with respect to the change is required. N this way the dreams or aspirations of the members of the organization can be identified (Lewis, 2008).
- Design
In this stage the members of the organization develop proposal s for the new organization or the changed that is being proposed. Proposals are made to identify the gap between the current state of the organization and future state (Cummings & Worley,2009).
- Delivery or Destiny
The final state is delivery or destiny stage where the organizational members implement the proposed changes and make the necessary adjustments and make the environment favorable for the processes to move the organization towards the ideal state that had been visualized and proposed by the organizational members (Bushe, 2011).
Following are the recommendation for the solution of this problem
- The organization should be aware of the causes of the problem. Causes should be identified and then a change or new system should brought into action
- After identification of the causes, proper consultation with all the departments is required to take their input and insight
- After taking the consent there should be need assessment done in order to identify what is required and to what extent.
- After the need assessment there a proper chart of the working, processes and personnel should be made. Duties and responsibilities should be identified
- Proper hiring is very important. Right people should be hired for the right job and at the right time. If there is an experienced person working, he should be given new blood for new ideas and latest technology. That would be a win win situation for both. Young employee will learn from experienced employee and experienced people will take advantage of new technology.
- All the stakeholders should be involved and proper feedback should be taken from them. This will give them a sense of ownership.
- Feedback at every step and process is very important for proper functioning
An organization cannot operate alone in a market. For survival and growth organization needs to improve its processes and personnel and for improvement change is very important. Without bringing change or changing an old existing process new things and technologies cannot be implemented and progress cannot be made. In my view change is very important for opportunities and growth. But change cannot be brought by using old system whether it’s the process or the people. New technology, young talent is very important and need of the time. Old employees are very resistant to change and adopting new things and with old conventional methods progress can’t be made and without progress survival is not important. Change is a key to success but organizations and people should be flexible to adopt new things, processes and people, in this way organization proper.
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