BUMKT5902 Marketing Management Assignment Help

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Assessment Task 1: Individual Report – Customer Value and Value Proposition - 25%

Assessment Details will be supplied via a separate file up uploaded on MoodleCriteria used to grade this task
These will be part of the assignment details file
Task Assessor
Partner lecturer to add their name
Suggested time to devote to this task 18-20 hours
Submission details
Via Moodle: (Partner lecturer to insert in the following format) Due date: Monday 3rd December 2018, 8am
Feedback and return of work.
Papers will be marked within 14 days. Where relevant, marks will not be available until moderation has been completed which means this could take another week. Feedback will be either, or some combination of, comments on the Assessment Criteria Sheet/marking rubric/inside the report/verbal.

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