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Management, HRM, Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Organizational Behavior, Basic economics, Basic business law

BSBSTR501 Establish Innovative Work Environment

Question 1      Briefly describe three (3) theories of innovation. (approximately 100 words)


There are several theories of innovation. One of the major theories of innovation is the theory of TRIZ. This is a problem-solving tool used to encourage innovation in the workplace. It provides various tools and methods which could be used to find problems to solutions using innovative methods. Another theory of innovation is the disruptive theory of innovation which explains how innovation led to large organizations being overtaken by smaller ones. The third major theory of innovation is the idea of dual innovation which talks about how the most difficult problem for companies is to not generate new ideas but to implement those into the business without affecting the business operations. 

Question 2      Describe the context for innovation in the workplace, including:

  • core business values
  • overall objectives
  • broader environmental context
  • value and benefit of innovative ideas and projects

(approximately 100 words)


Innovation in a business context may refer to the implementation of new ideas, improvement in existing services, and the creation of products that are dynamic in nature. Innovation is not an individualistic concept and it is the responsibility of all employees of an organization and hence it is important for the core business objectives and overall objectives to be aligned with this. Innovative ideas of a business need to be beneficial to the overall environment as well as the business. Innovation is an important business practice and hence it should be done as willingly as other important business practices. 

Question 3      List two (2) factors and tools that motivate individuals to innovate.

(approximately 100 words)


Innovation is an important concept which should be employed by companies across the world. In order to implement the practices of innovation across the organization, employees would have to be motivated enough to actually follow the practices of innovation. Some of the tools which could be employed include social networking which would include having effective communication amongst the employees in an organization. Another tool which could be used is to improve the creativity amongst the employees. This includes encouraging them to come up with and demonstrate creative ideas in the workplace.

Question 4      What is creative thinking? List two (2) innovative work practices that can be applied in the workplace.  (approximately 100 words)

Answer: Having creative thinking skills can help you look at problems from a different perspective and give you the right tools to examine the problems and come up with ideas to solve them in the most innovative way. One of the ways in which creative thinking can help apply innovative workplace practices is by encouraging creativity in a team environment that is inclusive. When employees feel included in the major business decisions, they will automatically work on coming up with creative solutions for problems. Another way is to work on improving collaborations amongst employees and promote creativity through teamwork.

Question 5      Describe five (5) ways of celebrating and promoting innovation in the workplace (approximately 100 words)


  • Companies should make employees an active part of the organization by giving them more responsibility. The feeling of being held responsible would encourage innovation and help align it with the business’ goals.
  • If innovation comes to a standstill in an organization, the management can enforce the idea about how it is their job to be innovative and the company is at risk if innovation doesn’t take place.
  • The management could encourage and organize scheduled brainstorming sessions which could help employees think of innovative ideas for the business.
  • Provide training to help employees think in an innovative manner in the workplace.
  • The management should always any input from employees no matter what their personal opinions are.

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Question 6      Discuss two (2) approaches to management and leadership and how they support and hinder innovation. (approximately 100 words)

  • Answer:

One of the approaches to management is autocratic leadership which is based on coercing subordinates into following what the leader wants to be followed. This hinders innovation because oftentimes leaders may not take into account the opinions of the employees. But however, if used correctly this approach could help encourage innovation as well.

Another approach is the democratic leadership style in which a democratic leader provides instructions to the employees after consulting them. This can help encourage innovation because of the role group discussion plays here and the encouragement of giving new ideas.

Question 7      Describe three (3) challenges and barriers to innovation and list ways of overcoming them.

(approximately 100 words)


  • The toxic corporate culture in some organizations can prove to be a hindrance to innovation. Organizations should encourage a culture of innovation and creativity and fewer workplace politics.
  • When there is a lack of follow-through in an organization, innovative ideas often do not get implemented and become useless. Organizations should ensure that the innovative ideas which are discussed are always implemented.
  • There is sometimes a lack of funding when it comes to applying innovative ideas. Organizations should set aside funds for supporting innovative ideas so that they can easily get implemented in the business.

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