BSBINN801 Lead innovative thinking and practice

Assessment Task 01 – Written Responses and Project
Task A

Task summary
You are required to answer all of the following questions. You need to answer all of the written
questions correctly. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.
Please answer the questions using word processing software.

Access to student workbook/other learning materials
Computer and Microsoft Office
Access to the internet
Your assessor will advise you of the due date of this assessment.
Submit Answers to all questions.
Assessment criteria
All questions must be answered correctly in order for you to be assessed as having completed
the task satisfactorily.

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. There are many theories and schools of thought on innovation. Choose at least one
past and one current theory. Compare and contrast these theories and the associated
thinking behind these theories.
2. Choose one of the theories of innovation and associated thinking you wrote about in
the previous question and explain its practical application in a workplace setting.
3. Identify and describe a creativity theory and associated thinking. Explain its practical
application in a workplace setting.

4. Identify three examples of leadership styles and discuss the impact on innovation,
specifically whether the style of innovation encourages or inhibits innovation within
an organisation.
5. Identify and describe two types of organisational structure and explain each
structure’s impact on innovation within the company.
6. Explain how the industry within which a company is situated can impact on
7. Analyse the impact of organisational culture and attitude to risk on innovation.
8. Analyse the impact of competition and government regulation on innovation.
9. Outline two risks associated with innovation and strategies that can be used to
identify, assess and manage each of these risks.

10. Explain the difference between an innovation driver and an innovation enabler and
provide two examples of each.
11. Describe three mechanisms within an organisation that support innovative practices.
The mechanisms you describe should include examples relevant to the organisational
system as a whole and specific procedure.
12. Identify three typical challenges and barriers to innovation that an organisation can
experience. Discuss each challenge and barrier and for each a strategy that can be
used to overcome them.

Task B
Task summary
You are required to develop an Innovation Review and email it to the CEO (your assessor).
You will then develop an Innovation Strategy and Innovation Strategy Presentation in Power
Point and email them to the CEO (your assessor). You will then conduct meeting to discuss
your Innovation Strategy and use the findings of that meeting to update your Innovation
Strategy and save the file as ‘Updated Innovation Strategy’. Following the meeting you will
also write an innovation leadership report. You will then Prepare a draft email to the CEO
(your assessor) seeking feedback and authorisation regarding the innovation leadership
Access to textbooks and other learning materials
Computer with Microsoft Office and internet access
Innovation Review Template
Innovation Strategy Template
Innovation Leadership Report Template
Your assessor will advise you of the due date of these submissions.
develop an Innovation Review
email to the CEO (your assessor) with the Innovation Review attached
Innovation Strategy
Power Point Innovation Strategy Presentation
email to the CEO (your assessor) with the Innovation Strategy and Innovation Strategy
Presentation attached
Updated Innovation Strategy
innovation leadership report
draft email to the CEO (your assessor) seeking feedback and authorisation regarding the
innovation leadership report

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