Assessing how Australian Government is attempting to overcome Depression
Social Inclusion
Social inclusion refers to a process by which individuals or communities which were alienated by the society due to any disability, lack of education or mental health, are merged back into the society through various community programs (ASIB, 2012). Community programs include social activities for aged, mentally ill or disabled to increase their civil, social and economic participation. The success of these community programs reduces number of jobless, lonely and poor individuals, thus lowering the depression count in the area (Tong, Lai & Zeng, 2011). According to a survey in June 2009, there were 5.8 hospitalizations due to psychiatric problems including depression per 1000 adolescents in Surf Coast and 310 individuals were hospitalized for intentional self injuries in the same year in Victoria including Torquay (State Govt. Victoria, 2010).
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Physical Environment
Good health by individuals is achieved by a number of environmental factors e.g. healthy work places, clean water, safe houses, and good communication infrastructure. Needless to say that lack of these factors can result in mental illness, including depression. A number of policies are incorporated to provide at least acceptable physical environment to individuals in Torquay and Surf Coast including State Planning Policy Framework (SPPF), Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF), Environment Strategy (MSS) and Coastal Development Policy (Green, 2006).
Personal Health and Coping Skills
Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills indicate those choices which an individual can make to prevent him from disease, solve problems, deal with challenges and enhance health. Deficit in these integral and critical choices lead to menaces including depression. Torquay and Surf Coast boast an excellent health care system, covered through Medicare, which is Australia’s public health care system (State Govt Victoria, 2012). Other than health care, an excellent transportation system and affordable living conditions keeps the locals mentally healthy apart from lowering depression rate.
Healthy Child Development
Child development refers to progress of the brain in early years, school readiness and health in the later part of life. The physical, emotional, social, mental and spiritual development of a child is affected by its environment especially the mental state if its caregiver and its effects tend to take place even before birth. According to a survey carried out in 2010-11, 66.3% of eligible children were assessed for child health and development in Torquay and Surf Coast (VicHealth, 2013). Special emphasis is laid on child development through kindergartens and day care centers in these regions.
Biology and Genetic Endowment
The fundamental biology and organic structure of human body is a key determinant of individual’s health. Due to genetic endowment an individual has an inherited response to situations affecting his health with respect to a particular disease. According to research, a person whose parent suffers from depression is 3 times more likely to suffer from depression as compared to a person with a depression-free family history (Nemade, 2007). Depression and anxiety are a leading factor of psychiatric illness among Australians especially in Torquay and Surf Coast. According to a survey, the psychiatric hospitalization was lower in Surf Coast than in Victoria between 2004 and 2006 (State Govt Victoria, 2010).
ASIB. (n.d.). How australia is faring. (2012). Australian Social Inclusion Board, 2, 12-16. Retrieved from
Green, D., R., The University of Melbourne, Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning, (2006). The Torquay jan juc neighborhood character study and vegetation assessment Surf Coast Shire.
Nemade, R. (2007). Biology of depression – genetics and imaging. Retrieved from
State Govt. Victoria, (2012). Victoria’s healthcare systemState Government Victoria Australia.
State Govt. Victoria, Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development., (2010). Adolescent community profileOffice for Children and Portfolio Coordination.
Tong , H., Lai , D., & Zeng , Q. (n.d.). Effects of social exclusion on depressive symptoms: elderly chinese living alone in shanghai, china. (2011). NCBI, 349-64. doi: 10.1007/s10823-011-9150-1.
VicHealth, (2013). Surf coast wellbeing report. Retrieved from