Assignment Help on Health Care Centre of Saudi Arabia
Research Methodology
1 Introduction
The health care centers of Saudi Arabia are exposed with the threat of retaining talented workforce, which could be based on minimal levels of employee motivation. The reliance on effective human resource management practices and suitable leadership approach can contribute in enhancing the level of ability and motivation of workforce. Along with this, effective leaders can also offer an opportunity of contribution to workforce, which is linked with their enhanced motivation and commitment. The focus of this report is on developing a suitable research design for investigation of extent to which leadership can promote motivation, retention and performance of workforce in health care centers of Saudi Arabia.
The report has been structured into different sections, of which firstly the details and rationale of research question is given. Secondly, the details of research design are mentioned and information of sample and sampling method is given. The subsequent sections encompass details of instruments and variables, data collection, data analysis and limitations of the methods.
Research Questions
The study has formulated around 4 research questions, which are focused on recognizing the factors through which positive attitudes and behaviors of employees can be encouraged in health care sector and thus their performance can be improved. The research questions are mentioned below;
RQ1. What is the impact of AMO on attitudinal outcomes of employees?
The first research question has focused on the association of elements of AMO model with attitude of employees at workplace. It has been highlighted by Avey, Wernsing and Luthans (2008) that when employees’ abilities are nurtured by the organization and they are being highly motivated through rewards or through appropriate style of leadership, then they are likely to develop positive attitude towards work. Additionally, if employees have abilities as well as motivation, but they lack opportunity within organization then, negative employee attitudes might be seen. As noted by Bos‐Nehles et al. (2013) when employees are given opportunity to imply their knowledge and abilities at work, then positive attitude of employees can be in the form of affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Such employees are likely to invest substantially in organization and thus consequently their performance enhances to desired levels. Thus, the first research question will address that how HRM practices to make use of AMO model can enable the organization to enhance positive employee attitude.
RQ2. What is the impact of AMO on behavioral outcomes of employees?
The second research question addresses the impact of AMO on behavior of employees. This has been supported by the study of Kehoe and Wright (2013) that when AMO model is being implied in the organization, then motivated employees are likely to be more satisfied at their job. The satisfaction of employees at job also lowers their intention to quit and thus it can be mentioned that AMO can help the organization to increase employee retention.
RQ3 (a). What is the effect of leadership style on relationship between AMO and employee attitude?
It is noted that leadership style, such as democratic style of leader, has the tendency to foster motivation, determination as well as retention of workforce, which are considered as core factors for defining performance level of employees (Nishii, Lepak and Schneider, 2008). The moderation of leadership style on association of AMO has employee attitude has been agreed in literature, such that when elements of motivation, ability and opportunity are being enhanced within an organization, then positive employee attitudes are developed and democratic leadership style can further enhance this association (Asrar-ul-Haq and Kuchinke, 2016). The democratic style of leadership is highly appreciated in health care settings, as democratic leader fosters morale of staff and then encourages them to work with greater commitment. Thus, the research question 3a has addressed the moderation of leadership style.
RQ3 (b). What is the effect of leadership style on relationship between employee attitudes and employee behavior?
The research question 3b has maintained focused on moderation of leadership style on the association of employee attitudes and employee behavior. It has been noted in the study of Appelbaum et al. (2015) that there is direct relationship of attitudes and behavior of employees, such that positive attitudes are linked with positive behaviors and vice versa. Therefore, when a leader makes reliance on democratic style in health care settings, then he/she is likely to positive influence personnel. For instance, such leader might provide prospect to work cooperatively and has the potential to create high performing work settings (Wald et al., 2015). The results are thus witnessed in the form of improved employees attitudes and behaviors, which can enhance performance of health care staff and can lower their turnover.
RQ4 (a). What is the impact of professional identity on relationship between AMO and employee attitude?
The professional identity has been considered as perception of and membership of one’s profession by an individual. As noted by Cruess, Cruess and Steinert (2016) the professional identity is created by believes, attitudes, values and experiences of individuals about specific jobs. The professional identity encourages the health care staff to develop emotional connection with their job and likely to strengthen the elements of AMO (Marañón and Pera, 2015). The results is considered as positive on employee attitudes. Therefore, the research question 4a has addressed the moderation of professional identity on relationship between AMO and employee attitude.
RQ4 (b). What is the impact of professional identity on relationship between employee attitudes and employee behavior?
The health care work is considered to generate huge value for the employees as they are termed as saviors of humanity and their professional identity can play significant role in defining their attitudes as well as behaviors (Marañón and Pera, 2015). The research question 4b has mainly addressed the impact of employees’ professional identity on commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (attitude of employees) as well as on job satisfaction and intention to stay in organization (employee behavior). This question is based on studies of Cruess et al. (2015) who have addressed that professional identity is likely to create sense of psychological connection among health care professionals with their job and it can strengthen their positive attitudes and behaviors.
The stated research questions have led to formation of following research hypotheses;
H1: There will be positive association of AMO with employees’ attitude.
H2: There will be positive association of AMO with employees’ behavior.
H3a: Leadership style will moderate the relationship between AMO and employee attitude, such that relationship of AMO with employee attitudes will be strong when leaders follow democratic style of leadership.
H3b: Leadership style will moderate the relationship between employee attitude and employee behavior, such that relationship of employee attitudes with employee behavior will be strong when leaders follow democratic style of leadership.
H4a: Professional identity will moderate the relationship between AMO and employee attitude, such that relationship of AMO with employee attitudes will be strong when health care personnel have strong sense of professional identity than when it is low.
H4b: Leadership style will moderate the relationship between employee attitude and employee behavior, such that relationship of employee attitudes with employee behavior will be strong when health care personnel have strong sense of professional identity than when it is low.
Research Design
The research design has been drawn by the fact that all research questions are based on grounded theories of human resource management, such as leadership theories and AMO model. This shows that research questions are aligned with positivist research paradigm and thus quantitative research design is considered as appropriate for this study (Bryman, 2017). The quantitative research method is known for generating valid and generalizable research findings. This study will make use of quantitative research methods by collecting primary data through survey technique. Survey will help in reaching to desired audience in effective way and it is considered to have limited bias on behalf of researcher, as anonymity of participants will be ensured and their responses will not be influenced by researcher in any way (McCusker and Gunaydin, 2015). Additionally, one significant benefit of using survey is linked with the notion that it will help in gaining snapshot of larger population and will provide broader capability of study.
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