Assignment Help on ACC303 Contemporary Issues in Accounting

Are you looking for help with ACC303 assessments? At Assignment Studio, our master academic writers can assist you with your contextual assignments, papers, research papers or some other sort of scholarly task. We are very much aware of the way that composing college level contextual analyses or settling other comparable tasks can be enticing and tedious, and with other examination load numerous understudies think that its hard to finish their ventures on schedule.

The aim of this assignment is to examines a number of contemporary and emerging global issues in order to familiarise you with the business environment you are likely to be operating in as an accountant. Contemporary Issues in Accounting is also a vehicle for advancing the development of professional values, ethics and attitudes.

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Accounting Assignment Help

Assessment 1

Assessment Type: Written Report – individual assessment

Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content and develop students’ skills and application of knowledge of the subject content to business situations. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.

Value: 20%                  
Due Date: Students are to upload their submission to the Turnitin link on the KOI Moodle subject home page by 5:00pm Friday of Week 6.

Topic: This assignment covers contemporary theoretical concepts with practical accounting task application based on the topics from the subject.
Task Details: This assignment requires students to access the Conceptual Framework of Accounting and select the conceptual framework tab. Students are then required to access paragraph 2.4 fundamental qualitative characteristics.

The assignment should include the following parts:

  • A title / cover page, which indicates basic information such as Subject title, Subject code, Trimester number, Assignment title, group members’ full names and KOI student numbers, word count and name of the tutor;
  • Executive Summary;
  • Table of Contents;

Main contents – Introduction, analysis using suitable headings and subheadings, Conclusions and Recommendations, Appendices (if any); References (using Harvard – Anglia style); and/or o Attachments

Assessment 2 

Assessment Type: Group Presentation and Report – combined group and individual assessment task.

Please note: This is a group assessment and presentations are delivered by the group but individual presentation efforts are be marked. As learning outcome d. stipulates teamwork, this assessment must be done in groups of 3-5 students as advised by your tutor. Students are not permitted to refuse being part of a group.

Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to research and analyse current social issues in accounting and evaluate their impact on various stakeholders. As a group assessment, it further develops students’ team working skills. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b, c and d.

Topic: Identify and apply theories and models in accounting to the disclosure or non-disclosure of risk by management in the presentation of general-purpose financial reports by corporations.

Task Details: Students are required to access and read the article “Climate-related and other emerging risks disclosures: assessing financial statement materiality using AASB/IASB Practice Statement 2”.

Research Requirements: Students need to support their analysis with references from the text and a minimum of ten (10) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources – check with your tutor if unsure of the validity of sources. Groups seeking Credit or above grades should support their analysis with increased number of reference sources comparable to the grade they are seeking.

Weekly Progress Report: Your lecturer / tutor will assign each student and group specific weekly targets. All students must demonstrate to their lecturer / tutor each week (weeks 7 to 9) that their tasks are on schedule. The purpose is to ensure students do not leave the task till the last minute.

Assessment 3

Assessment Type: Final Exam – individual assessment. Duration: 2,5 hours plus 10 minutes reading time.

Purpose: The purpose of the final examination is to test your understanding of course concepts and your ability to apply these concepts. The examination may cover materials used in tutorials, class discussions and/or from the readings. This assessment contributes specifically to learning outcomes a, b, c, d.

Due Date: The final exam will be held in the official KOI exam period in Week 14 of the trimester. The specific date and time will be posted towards the end of the trimester.

Topic: The examination may cover content from any part of the entire subject.

Task Details: The exam will require students to critically evaluate financial accounting information and standards, demonstrating well-developed personal communication skills. Students may be required to demonstrate prudent decision-making skills, express divergent opinions and demonstrate creative approaches to solving complex business-related issues and problems.



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