PHI3PCM - Existentialism Assignment 2 Article Review

Description of Task
This is a two-part assignment.
Part 1: Provide a critical reflection of your own pitch (500 words). You should reflect on both the quality of your delivery and the quality of your argument, In answering the latter, you should reference relevant literature.
Part 2: Write a report to your CEO recommending or not recommending the sponsorship. You should include reasons for your recommendation. In doing so, you should reference relevant literature (500 words).
Word count:
1000 words.
APA formatting is expected. This applies to the formatting of the entire article (e.g., paragraph indents, spacing, headings, tables, figures), as well as the reference list.
Recommended structure:
1. Introduction (One paragraph)
a. Introduce the assignment and its purpose
b. Structure

  1. ReferencesPersonal reflections
  2. My delivery
  3. My argument
  4. Recommendation report
  5. Executive summary
  6. Proposal overview c, Strengths
  7. Weaknesses
  8. Recommendation
  9. References

To some extent at least, the expectation is that you will underpin your arguments by referencing the appropriate academic literature.


For questions and discussions about any aspect of this assessment, you should go to the relevant Q&A Forum and post there

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