Assessment 2 - Understanding of the Critical Theories and Concepts of Hrm

This assessment is an individual assessment and it is about developing an understanding of the critical theories and concepts of HRM and four key areas -  Culture, Diversity Management,  International Performance Management and Training and Development. You need to research each of the four areas and analyse and critically evaluate the literature. 

Read the detailed assignment instructions and assessment criteria (below) carefully, and follow the structure outlined.

Instructions for Assessment 2

Carefully read the case study.

Using the information provided in the case study as an example, summarise the critical theories and concepts of Organisational HRM. You need to analyse and critically evaluate the literature on all four of the areas covered:

  • Culture;
  • Training and Development
  • International Performance Management; and
  • Diversity Management;

Set out your essay using the following structure, using sub-headings as required:

  1. Introduction
  2. Diversity Management and Culture
  3. International Performance Management, Training and Development
  4. Conclusion and Recommendation(s) or Solution(s)
  5. Research and Referencing

Make sure you write your essay using third-person language, and support your essay with a minimum of 15 contemporary (i.e., beyond 2008) refereed journal articles – do not cite web pages.

All sections will be included in calculating the final mark.

Read through the marking criteria (assessment rubric) carefully before starting your essay.

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