BUSM4554 Contemporary Management - Article 1: Managing Talent In Emerging Economy Multinationals

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Article 3: Talent management of western MNCs in China: Balancing global integration and local responsiveness (Total word count: ~300 words)

No. Question
1 Critically discuss the argument(s) presented by the author(s).
Answer hints:


  • How do the author(s) describe the context?
  • What is/are the research question(s)?
2 What is the method – how do the author(s) convince their readers?
Answer hints:


  • What data is relied on?
  • How is data collected?
  • How is data analysed?
  • How are the findings presented?
3 Discuss the limitations of the research conducted by the author(s). 
Answer hints:


  • Are the conclusions open to be challenged?
  • Did the author(s) leave out certain issues/concepts relevant to the research they have conducted? 

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