Argumentative Essay Assessment Help

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Argumentative Essay

All companies should operate in a socially and environmentally ethical manner. However, as a consequence, this will make many companies uncompetitive and unprofitable. What is your opinion?
Write a 750 word argumentative essay outlining your position on this statement.

Your essay will be completed and submitted in two parts; each part is worth 5%
Bring your research, annotated sources to class in a labelled folder along with a completed reference list. This will be marked and represent 2.5% of the mark. Then write and submit as many notes that you will use for your essay paraphrasing key ideas from the sources that you think you might use. You can also submit a plan as part of your notes for checking if you wish. These notes represent another 2.5%
Part 1.1 - Folder and Annotated Notes 2.5%
Part 1.2 - Essay Notes 2.5%
Bring these notes to class in week 7 and use them to complete your essay under test conditions. These notes are all you can have in the test. You will have 2 hours to complete this task.
Part 2 – 5%

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