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HR, Management, Marketing

An Introduction to the Drivers and its Changing Impact on Emirates Airline

Emirates Airlines has been a major player in the Middle East aviation industry with huge profits for more than 10 years. However, the total revenue for 2017 is significantly lower than the last five years of its management. With the COVID-19 episode, a few countries have forced travel restrictions on the working class and travelers category, which has led the Emirates to change its operating system with reduced frequencies or discontinued explicit opposition travel. The impact of these operational changes has brought a greater amount of assets than are needed in certain areas of the business to our daily needs. People are at the heart of the Emirates program, and it has always been expected that we will ensure that our employees cut off the impact on their part during global emergencies and extreme financial conditions. Considering the availability of additional assets and how many representatives need to use their leave, EA have given their employees the opportunity to earn, leave or apply voluntarily to volunteer each month. Considering the rapid change in events and the far-reaching flare-up situation, they have completely set up their Crisis Management Center since January to assess the situation and act responsibly in all areas of their business. These actions include appealing to their staff at the clinic, practices at the airport to meet specific travel requirements such as changing our schedule and reviewing the ability to meet the needs of travelers in various locations. Although they have seen some logic congestion in certain areas of the business it has become popular in different areas.

The safety and well-being of their customers and employees is well regarded and they keep in touch with international and local welfare organizations to ensure that they adhere to modern health laws and regulations. As a further measure EA have begun the cleaning of aircraft, and in cases where they are notified of any suspect or confirmed cases of undeniable diseases, they clean all the accommodation of those aircraft.

Case Studies of Emirates Airline

As a global corporation that operates a number of financial institutions, Emirates was expected to first understand the Message Implementation Guidelines (MIGs) for most of the banks it needed to work with. Rules are often archived for various practices in a variety of opposing designs. It is often difficult to define requirements and understand what you need to refresh it if you need to start working with an additional bank. Loading for another purpose requires a lot of time to install different installment structures and banks. The Emirate application development team was required to rely on banks during the auditing process and required that there be some investment to obtain clarification on any new administrative changes that should have been approved. Focusing on, making and applying information related to guidelines, which often involves a lot of time and resources in various offices can be a major factor in any organization.

MyStandards is an industry activity, which collects data from key banks and market partners in a focused, easy-to-use and modern web environment. It deals with the recording, operation and storage of all information related to the terms between Emirates Airlines and its banks. Emirates Airlines Dubai is driving luxury carriers. Emirates carriers are expected to provide customers with extra comfort and comfort as all airlines meet specific and special international guidelines to make you feel like a master of good times, going to the air by meeting the time of your whole life. Emirates Airlines' surprisingly high-quality features that have made it a very high carrier are its quiet and stunning location with absolutely lovely seats. Added to this is the setting of theaters and its powerful and well-dressed performance, professionally prepared, multilingual and friendly team, openness, familiarity with the aircraft and the overall quality support that makes Emirates Airlines accept and promise everywhere in the World.

SWOT Analysis Emirates Airline

In order to analyze the situational strategy of Emirates Airline. It is a beneficial tool using by many firms. The technique is handy. Emirates airline is facing Strengths (S), Weakness (W), Opportunities (O) & Threats (T) in its current business environment.


The great power of the Emirates is its location: from its central location to Dubai airport, most people can be reached within the aircraft itself, making the region a great place for long-distance passenger development, which adds to Emirates’ amazing development. since its inception. Emirates similarly has collected a world-class outstanding product and developed it into various related components of the aviation industry such as cooking, storage, land care which reduces the reliance on airlines to foreign organizations. Emirates has a wide regional network in six regions provided by the ongoing arms of current airlines that provide many travelers around the world with a good and efficient travel arrangement.


Late analyzes of Emirates revenue cuts may reveal part of the association's secret errors. Another shortcoming that is thought to be the Emirates' extremely aggressive and impossible development plan came about with countless aircraft requested. In addition to this, the Emirates is very much focused on the high-level travel, which can be predicted by more established age-old ideas, however, it is uncertain how Emirates can market itself to Millennials without contradicting its image as an indelible interest in helping rather than traveling at the right level. of the danger area.


The Emirates' strategy is to approach to high-end travel has proven to be a viable option, in any case, changes in their business-enhancing business environment from long-haul carriers that fit the ideas of Millennial's year-old inspectors are also opening doors. Considering the way the Emirates has never tolerated a shortage of goods to improve, sending aid carriers with a small effort plan can be an opportunity to investigate. Similarly, the Emirates could grow under its five privileges in Europe by linking European urban areas with currently unresolved objections by local authorities so it can be said, this will allow the Emirates to establish mid-point points outside of Dubai and transfer a new aircraft. Emirates is currently operating two sets of aircraft under this opportunity, however, investigating another course involving the violation of our fifth rights could be a great opportunity to use more aircraft to be transferred to Emirates over the next five years.


Emirates has never appreciated proper relations with European and American airlines - these organizations often accuse Emirates of receiving government grants (giving Emirates something illegal) which is illegal in the US and EU. In the event that the carrier campaign tests are fruitful, Emirates may have to face limitations in its European and North American studies. While the UAE does not exist at all, building or constructing a territory that is often associated with intellectual military circles, the Emirates serves many countries that are perceived as potential security problems by the Trump administration. Eventually, the Emirates is slowly being undermined by the rise of tall carriers who will create controversy in long courses. To date, it is the Asian region where long-haul flights enjoy rapid development, however, fully-fledged European carriers have been researching the usefulness of sending long-term relief aids to benefit from this highly anticipated market.

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The Impact of Change and the Effects Upon Emirates Airline Strategy and its freight


The Emirates has a well-defined approach: in particular, to create a long-term exchange center in Dubai, which is suitable to connect any two-world focused. The Emirates approach is one of a kind that aims to work for the market to participate in just expandable airlines, even though most points in Europe and the US have an expensive short-term drag-and-drop network against LCCs that focus on institutional point. The spoken and spoken networks cover most of the short traffic in the long haul but the Emirates for the most part has only 20% of the long traffic routes restricted to the Middle East. This approach is exacerbated by the dramatic increase in interest rates on / off Dubai, which is being helped to improve the tourism industry's infrastructure. Emirates strives to gain the loyalty of its travelers and win new clients by never ceasing to put resources into new things, management and innovation. Last year the airline donated $ 22 million to launch and operate aircraft network infrastructure throughout its arm, which is currently powered by 70% Wi-Fi. Emirates Airlines offers the most attractive seats not only for business class or senior travelers but also for economy class passengers. Each seat has a pad, a simple slope and is large enough with a custom-made headrest.

Change Affected Leadership, Individuals and Team Behavior at Emirates Airline

As a group organization, it should have a strong human resource management (HRM) and the organization should see how it can be managed by employees of different structures. The first culture and friends are prepared to achieve succession. Its workers are a source of superior power, at the same time the trial thinks it has many cultures. The workforce reached 28,686 representatives, from 160 countries. Emirates has named itself the ‘special’ manager because of its extensive HRM training. It has a certain level of expertise to choose to create a ‘harvest crème’ for workers. Applicants go through consistent preparation and development. In terms of innovation and development in the construction of positions, the world has achieved quality. Various creators call it the time of the 'global city'. The Emirates has been influenced by the ‘direction’ of the world. Changes in management and consistent sustainability bring about team-based structures. A survey was conducted that sought that about 60% of firms use teams to address the progress brought about by land development and innovation.

As a result of collaboration, jobs are sown faster than before the data era approaches. Team building can help to empower authority because it allows for vertical organizations and even organizations, where group pioneers and individuals can communicate with each other and with senior management at the same time. This means that they pass out without a regular exchange meeting. Choices are made quickly without much controversy. The board facilitates team development, and managers are always available to address the needs of the teams. The Situational leadership provides a level of relational and behavioral behavior by creating dynamic 4-step communication. The transformation cycle at Emirates completes four distinct phases and in each phase the level of behavior and deployment is known.


Figure 1: Situational Leadership Process

Application of Appropriate Models to Process Change and to Minimize the Impact Change at Emirates Airline

Besides many models, two models are selected for the Emirates airline process change. These are Lewin’s model of change and Kotter’s 8-step change model.

The very easy and simple to understand model proposed by Lewin’s, known as Lewin's Change Management Model. The first stage is unfreezing , this stage explains the point where firm needs to implement changes. The second stage is change. In this stage firm take the necessary steps which are important to bring the change in an organization. The last stage is unfreezing. In this stage the outcome s are measured after the changes applied to an organization.


Figure 2: Lewin's Change Model Management

Kotter’s 8 step model represents the 8 stages of changes which can be adopted by firms. The strategies of each stages make the successful change. This model has been implemented for 8 stages at the change in Emirates.


Figure 3: Kotter's 8-Step Process


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Lucidchart. (2021). “How to Implement Change with Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model”. [Online]
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UKEssays. (2018). “Emirates SWOT Analysis”. [online]. [Accessed 22nd April 2021].

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