MIS607 Cybersecurity - Report B: Assessment 1

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ASSESSMENT 1: Mitigation Plan

In this assessment you will be expected to produce a 1500 word Threat Mitigation report based on the problem statement supplied by your lecturer in class building from Assessment 2.

The MIS607 Cybersecurity subject is designed for you to progressively add to your understanding of basic Security principles and fundamentals. Malicious software, or malware, arguably constitutes one of the most significant categories of threats to computer systems.

Security threat modelling, or threat modelling, is a process of assessing and documenting a system's security risks. Security threat modelling enables you to understand a system's threat profile by examining it through the eyes of your potential foes.

For this assessment you are required to develop a mitigation plan based on your STRIDE threat model you have submitted for assessment 2.

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