You have been engaged to develop a data protection and privacy strategy for the DR Alarms IoT portal, designs, IP and data.
You are to write a report that proposes appropriate policies for DR Alarms in the following areas:
- Develop a Data protection and privacy strategy proposal for the DR Alarms IoT portal. The strategy should consider the threats and risks to both Privacy and data protection for customer data that is collected in the portal. It must consider the possible controls to mitigate the identified risks. (30 marks)
- Develop a strategy to protect the IoT monitoring specifications and IoT design data that is created in the portal. The strategy should consider the threats and risks to IoT design data as well as customer IoT specification data that is collected in the portal. It must consider the possible controls to mitigate the identified risks. (30 marks)
- Discuss what cloud and/or other controls you would recommend to keep the portal free from foreign interference, hacking, DDOS attacks or other activities designed to compromise the portal. (20 marks)
- Develop a PowerPoint or Google slides presentation that gives a comprehensive overview of these three (3) tasks in a maximum of 30 slides. (20 marks)
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