Assignment 4
Option two : Choose two local governments and undertake a comparitive analysis of their work with community.
This analysis must be no more than 2000 words in length (excluding bibliography) and may consider the following:
- A brief description of the approach adopted by each local government authority (LGA) . Ie. consider the size of the budget the local government commits to work with the community, staff, what kind of work they do with community.
- A brief description of the local community.
- The nature of the relationship between the community and local government. Eg. has there been any community outrage recently.
- A description of the community projects that the LGA are implementing, the level of involvement of community and any findings of evaluations focused on the community projects.
- An outline of how the companies structure their staffing. Do they have executive level staff with community engagement / development responsibilities, is there a community relations team in place, what role does the company board of directors play? Is there a community relations policy in place and / or management system?
- How did the LGA approach integrated planning and reporting and how does it set out the ‘community strategic plan’?
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