NURS2024 Health of Older Adults - Clinical Case Report

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Assessment 1: Case Report

This assessment will consist of a clinical case report. The completed case report will need to be submitted via the Health of Older Adults (NURS 2024) course site Assessment 1: case report link by the assessment due date.

In order to plan and provide optimal person-centred nursing care. Registered nurses need to be able to interpret clinical information and draw upon their knowledge of pathophysiology and evidence-based clinical practice. Therefore, the purpose of this assessment is to support the development of the skills needed to evaluate evidence and to develop reflection and clinical reasoning skills.

What you need to do:

Based upon the clinical scenario provided below, construct a case report which IS a detailed report of the client's clinical presentation. nursing diagnosis and inter-professional plan of care. The case report will draw upon your knowledge of pathophysiology, pharmacology and relevant academic literature to support an evidence-based plan of care.

The case report must be presented using the headings provided below. A description of the content for each section of the report has been provided. It is important that all sections of the report are conceptually connected. For example. your knowledge of pathophysiclogy and pharmacology, and your understanding of this particular client, should underpin the nursing problems that you identify which should, in turn, drive the inter-professional plan of care that is relevant for this clinical scenario.

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